Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sophia and Aunt Kate (the Lazy Gator) submit their Pocket God Suggestion

This is GREAT!!!! Sophia and Kate, we'll take this in serious consideration! Sophia, is this an environmental commentary about cow methane pollution? Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. "Are you freebasing? Inquiring minds want to know. " the lost boys FTW!!!

  2. If you guys actually do the cow thing (which I think you should), you should have the cow be milkable. Also, it should release gas when you tap it rather than releasing it sparraticaly. I love that evil laugh at the end of the movie!

  3. That gives me a brilliant idea. How a bout an island with animals? If you don't give them food (maybe by just giving a fish to them) they eat the Pygmoogs and in a hurricane they fly and maybe hit the others. And then they can poop (you can switch that on and off) and after a while a Poopmonster comes out, which you only can defeat if you create tsunami ;P


    PS:Ok, i know, Pygmoog sounds a bit weird, but how about Oogmie?

  4. I got the idea when my mom was cooking, there was a flame on the stove and my brother Fergus was farting. That made me think of a cow that farts flames.


  5. Thanks so much for considering our idea! There was actually a conversation about bovine flatulence and green house gasses, but I think Sophia just though a cow farting flames would be funny.


  6. I think this is okay, but how would you get rid of the cow? And if you guys do do(ha ha, I said do do) the cow update, you might want to make the cow go away using my alien idea. The alien ship could beam the cow up and fly away. It could also beam up the pygmies. Well, please think about it Gods of Pocket God. :)
    PS: I'm not thinking Oogmies is at the level of greatness that is Pocket God. It was creative though. ;)
    PPS: The name of is okay, but I don't know. It just doesn't seem right to me.

  7. Kool. I know this is random but I am so desperate to know what you and Dave look like. Can you post a picture of you guys? Thanks sooooo much for making Pocket God. it rocks!!!! It should be number one on the app list forever! Update soon. :)

  8. Kool. I know this is random, but I want to see what you guys look like so bad. If you could post a picture of you guys that would be awesome! Thank you soooo much for making the best app ever!!! Pocket God is amazing. Keep updating. :)

  9. what with the wierd laghf?

  10. xxbitex...actually i think Lost Boys is where i picked up the phrase although i think it was originally a catchphrase for the Enquirer paper

    lazygators....haha. the idea is hilarious! thanks for going to all that trouble to show us!

  11. This a good idea, but you should really make it so that the islanders fught each other, like throw the spear at each other or just push each other off the island unroll only one is left
