So, I've been dying to blog an image from the upcoming Pocket God Comic, so I decided to do it today! Did I do it to distract you from the fact that the next update has taken longer than we expected? No way.
I was tempted to post a more action-packed spoilerish image, but Dave and I decided the first page was appropriate since it reveals the comic-ized look and feel of the Pygmies, with their customized features. In order on the top page we see Klak (just barely), Booga, Klik, Dooby, Nooby and Ooga paying reverence to the gods with a pile of stinky fish. Ew! And of course, danger is coming from above, and only Ooga seems to have taken notice.
Ape Entertainment has been flooding us with scripts, designs and comic pages like crazy and we totally love everything they're doing. The created a 4-issue story of the Pygmies and an adventure that takes them off the island and into great (surprise surprise!) danger! Also included will be mini-stories in each comic that will cover various aspects of life with the Pygmies, including an origin story! Well, I better not give it all away, but we are very excited.
I want to thank the guys at
Ape , David Hedgecock, Brent Erwin, Jason Burns as well as the amazing artist
Rolando Mallada for all the fantastic work they've done. We are really honored to work with them.
And okay, I won't ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room (no, not Ape!). The next episode "Crack is Wack" is taking longer than expected. But it is VERY cool. The mini game, the runs, even gets its own theme music, and extra creatures and of course brutal deaths. The god power referenced in the title isn't too shabby. I keep seeing speculation that this episode has DRUGS in it. No, we haven't put drugs in Pocket God! Not yet anyway :) So... thanks for your continuing patience. An operator will be with you shortly.