So, I've been dying to blog an image from the upcoming Pocket God Comic, so I decided to do it today! Did I do it to distract you from the fact that the next update has taken longer than we expected? No way.
I was tempted to post a more action-packed spoilerish image, but Dave and I decided the first page was appropriate since it reveals the comic-ized look and feel of the Pygmies, with their customized features. In order on the top page we see Klak (just barely), Booga, Klik, Dooby, Nooby and Ooga paying reverence to the gods with a pile of stinky fish. Ew! And of course, danger is coming from above, and only Ooga seems to have taken notice.
Ape Entertainment has been flooding us with scripts, designs and comic pages like crazy and we totally love everything they're doing. The created a 4-issue story of the Pygmies and an adventure that takes them off the island and into great (surprise surprise!) danger! Also included will be mini-stories in each comic that will cover various aspects of life with the Pygmies, including an origin story! Well, I better not give it all away, but we are very excited.
I want to thank the guys at Ape , David Hedgecock, Brent Erwin, Jason Burns as well as the amazing artist Rolando Mallada for all the fantastic work they've done. We are really honored to work with them.
And okay, I won't ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room (no, not Ape!). The next episode "Crack is Wack" is taking longer than expected. But it is VERY cool. The mini game, the runs, even gets its own theme music, and extra creatures and of course brutal deaths. The god power referenced in the title isn't too shabby. I keep seeing speculation that this episode has DRUGS in it. No, we haven't put drugs in Pocket God! Not yet anyway :) So... thanks for your continuing patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
Well, with the title Crack is Wack, then...
ReplyDeleteSo have you guys released the update to apple yet or is it still in the works? If it's still in the works can you give us an estimate of how many days until the update is at least finished? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteEta for update?
ReplyDeleteYou have officially lost one of your first fans. I bought this game the day it came out and convinced at least 15 people to bye it the next day.
ReplyDeleteI post a comment in the last section expressing my opinions about the waiting time for this update. Nothing rude or uncalled for. And you don't even approve the comment.
Why not just end the updates for pocket god on iphone, you have made it very clear that you don't care about your original fans anymore.
You have too many projects to work on now. So much for fortnightly updates again.
Very disappointing
(p.s: I realize the irony here, as this comment will most likely not be approved)
Wow guys looks fantastic. Getting it for sure.
ReplyDeleteWell done
travis...harsh! We do care about the fans, and I personally have worked really hard on the next update. There's a whole new background, new animals, a cool game mechanic with a lot of funny pygmy deaths. In the last few weeks, Dave took a family vacation for a wedding, and I had to move. We probably packed too much in considering everything going on, but we got excited about the idea and went overboard. I'm spending my saturday morning adding little animation touches while dave works on refining the game mechanic.
ReplyDeleteIts just that to keep going, we need to hire people, and that has been difficult. We are working on it, and I think we have a new programmer. But looking and hiring took time away also. Also we've been debugging a different version of pocket god for Verizon phones which has been a major chore. It may not look like it but on the most part, we work 10 hours all week along and on weekends. the next update is going to be really good when it is finished. Then, hopefully with two programmers, we can move a little faster. I still ask you, what apps have managed over 30 updates on a 99 cent app? And more WILL come...we have updates planned around the comic release!
Also, i don't think I skipped your comment unless it had a "bad" word.
The ironic thing is that they approved that comment.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I couldn't care less. Quality is what your aiming for, and with your multiple projects, your very busy. I CAN wait for the update, and i'm waiting with pride.
I LOVE the Pygmies on the comic! Cute as hell!
ReplyDeletei personaly dont care about update times, poclet god was one reaspn i got an itouch, and the people that complain really just need to stop and consider that you are people too, but i do wish you two would be a little less cryptic about the updates, i love the falling down game, even if ive been drawn to zombie smash lately, you guys are setting an example of what iphone apps need to be, i think you guys are the wright brothers of the app revolution
ReplyDeletePG dudes, I agree Travis had a harsh comment, BUT you have to understand our side too. I mean, u DID say updates more frequently, so we expect u 2 keep ur word and also post updates as 2 y u haven't done it in over a month on ur blog here. It only takes a minute... Even if u just drop by to remind us: "Sorry we're taking long, but we're doing blah blah blah." That would be appreciated. And estimations of when u will b done would be great. And also, if helps reminding us that making apps r hard and take time. Just consider our lack of app making knowledge and take a moment to fill us in. Makes us feel better!!
ReplyDeletePG dudes, I agree Travis had a harsh comment, BUT you have to understand our side too. I mean, u DID say updates more frequently, so we expect u 2 keep ur word and also post updates as 2 y u haven't done it in over a month on ur blog here. It only takes a minute... Even if u just drop by to remind us: "Sorry we're taking long, but we're doing blah blah blah." That would be appreciated. And estimations of when u will b done would be great. And also, it helps reminding us that making apps r hard and take time. Just consider our lack of app making knowledge and take a moment to fill us in. Makes us feel better!!
ReplyDeleteHi I bought the app when you released pyg chill and since then I've been hooked . I just want to know, roughly, when the next update is gonna be realeased because , as you said it is going to be amazing?
ReplyDeleteWell I understand why its taking so long after all you have a life too! But I did want to say something (This is meant to be funny btw) You said "I still ask you, what apps have managed over 30 updates on a 99 cent app?" Doodle jump! (I am pretty sure they have managed to get 30 updates too)but yea I undstand you 2 apps are friends lol anyway I think maybe you should start doing smaller updates bit by bit so people might not get so angry (Not saying any names)but remember its just a suggestion!
Travis they have lives they need to take a break so let them its not a big deal everyone can wait by the way you guys are awesome.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the next update... And I just found the original game for the pain drain (fall down) and it is also very fun, but I don't know if pocket god has any references to it...
ReplyDeleteWhat about the teaser graphic? You haven't talked about it (well, at least, significantly) since it was posted on the blog. Can we get a little more "inside information" on that please? ( I wasn't being sarcastic or anything with the quotation marks)
ReplyDeleteHi Allen
ReplyDeleteHi realy like Pocket God and could understand why you need so much time vor an update, but is there any time to develope a version of Pocket God for android ?
I agree. That comment was completely uncalled for. ive been with PG since update two, when i first discovered it. It was the first, and one of the very few, apps i have paid for. Since then i have never been disappointed. For $0.99 you get quite a bit of features, and more for free. The weekly updates cannot happen anymore for several reasons; one is because the updates are bigger and more complicated. No update has ever been cheap, or small. they have always included smooth graphics and great cartoon design. The second reason is completely out of Dave and Allen's hands. Apple changed their approval rate from a couple days for eight days or more. That fact alone makes weekly updates impossible.
ReplyDeleteAnd to be honest, Dave and Allen are incredible. For one dollar they sold PG promise to work their butts off to give you more and more. I don't think many of you understand how time consuming and hard it is to design and animate a product like this. They have more of a life then just making you updates. They have families, and friends, and other business opportunities. They are not obligated to continue updating in anyway. Whenever they choose they can discontinue PG. But they are still working on updates to please us, the customers. So what if it takes a little while longer then it use to. There is so much to do in PG that should keep you busy. No where does it say that they are still doing the weekly updates. And hey, PG has always listen to everything you had to say and comment, how many people have had some kind of an update that included features they wanted? PG is the most regularly updated app in the app store, and it was remained in the top 50 apps since its release.
One thing i just cannot understand you complaining about is that they have to many other projects they should just drop PG. I just dont understand that. should you be excited that they people who brought you PG, one of our most beloved and best apps in the app store, are giving us something new, something im sure many many people have asked for, for a while. something that we will all love. I for one am excited. and thrilled that on top of that, they are still updating PG.
Some of us need to learn some patience and understanding that things happen and you dont always get what you want when you want it. you have to wait. And i know this new update will be worth the wait!
Also, Dave, Allen, any hints as to what the next skin pack is going to be? You haven't said anything about that.
ReplyDeleteand could you confirm something? by Verizon phone, do you mean; Verizon iPhone, or Droid?
Wow looks good:) love the ap btw got it a few days ago:D I'm stAting to out of stuff to do though:'(
ReplyDeleteI've had this app since the 3rd update and convinced tons of my friends to buy it and so far everyone has agreed that you should throw a few more of those early updates back in that are fun but small... Examples are the lightning the tsunami and stuff like that
ReplyDeleteHey allen will you guys do a minigore crossover?
ReplyDeleteHi guys
ReplyDeleteI understand why you need so much time for the updates. But is there enough time for developing a version of Pocket God for Android ?
could u release more teaser images of the update?? that would be very cool....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteReally? My last comment wasn't approved?? WTH!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Alan, this app was and is constantly worth the $.99 I paid for it. They have done am amazing job at not loosing quality while still churning out the updates. I'll never remove this app from my phone.
ReplyDeleteRelax Travis, even apple is slower at updaes then this app.
i agree with travis. i used to look forward every week to these updates, expecting them to b awesome, which they were. WERE. when the updates DO come out, they're not very exciting. I think u guys need to pull urselves together and give us, ur devoted fans, SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!!
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting for this update for a month, and when it is somewhat close would you mind telling us an ETA for the update?
ReplyDeleteHey Allan, have you sent in the update yet? Itunes knows the new episode name, Crack is Whack, so I was just wondering...
ReplyDeleteWow, it's been exactly 2 months since the last update,, that's f****ng rediculous
ReplyDeleteWill you please show another image of the new update or comic?
ReplyDeleteYou never answered the question for us though, When do you think it will be finished and released, my most played game is pocket god and Ive been waiting for this update everyday, and I want something new to torture the pygmies with
ReplyDeleteEver since I discovered pocket god I have loved it but now the wait is getting absolutely rediculous!!! JK u guys do an awesome job and I'm surprised you only charge $0.99. If we have to wait a while u know u will get good quality. But I saw someone suggested a minigore cross over you could make another island with the things he fights also you could have a zombie ville cross over just by changing the look of the zombie. U guys rock and please don't disscontinue PG.
pocket god is a very good app and such but can you plz update the blog atleast saying like itll take this many days to finish or more pictures for update i understand about updates that it takes like a million hours but does updating blog take a million hours? i dont think so.. also the last time i played this app was since last update...UPDATE PLZ IM GONNA EXPLODE IF YOU DONT...thnx for reading!
ReplyDeleteand alex thay dont really listen to all of our wants....
ReplyDeleteI really have to agree with Alex, ya I'm a little annoyed that it is taking so long for the new update but u know what They have lives to and some people not naming any names don't seem to get that and I'm so sure that there are trying their best to juggle all there projects and get them finished in a timly manner. And that game worth every penny paid so don't delete the game just because you can't have what you want now. Ok? (retorical question)
ReplyDeleteHey seriously people... You can live two months without something new from pocket god... And you gotta admit they could charge twice as much and lots people would buy it. Be thankful they give you any updates at all. Plus, there are many things better to do than play on ur iPod 24-7.
ReplyDeletethese people have lives can't you understand? they have to get a break sometimes, they don't spend all day every day working on it...lay off them
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe the idiocy of half of these posters. What we have are a bunch of little kids who are whining, crying, and gnashing thier teeth over something as silly as an update to a $0.99 app. What other apps have given me this much updated content? None! How difficult and expensive is it to keep pushing updates to ungrateful who aren't paying for them? Difficult! Personally, I bought the skin packs because it's my way of showing support to a developer that's gone out of it's way to bring you FREE updated content, and they obviously enjoy bringing that content to you. Shame on you all!
ReplyDeleteThanks Pocket God devs. Even though I play less as time goes on, I jump at the updates and enjoy my new, free content. Keep up the good work. Will gladly pay when PG2 comes, someday.
You should make an episode with a mini game that starts by dropping a pigmy on a dodo in flight. Also, why can't the shark eat pygmies That are drowning or fish and dodo's?
ReplyDeleteExcellent stuff with wonderful information! I'm new here and loving the post! Thanks for sharing this great info!