Dave talks about the delays, next update, skin pack and asks people's opinion on the next episode's title!
>> Dave's State of the Island on Touch Arcade <<
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Back From Comic-Con

Hey guys. Dave and I came back to San Francisco from San Diego yesterday after spending four days at the ever-popular Comic-con trade show! This was my first time and it is truly and amazing event. CROWDED but amazing. Ape had two booths and we did our signing at their new off-shoot brand "Kizoic" every day for two hours. We brought posters as a give-away, and Ape had produced the first issue of Pocket God for us to sell! We gave posters to everyone who bought a comic and signed everything. We also previewed the Pocket God plush prototypes, created by Alix. We are in the process of producing the standard Pygmy, but decided the next one to produce HAS to be the Zombie Pygmy. We also showed people the initial version of Journey To Uranus, which still needs a lot of work, but got a lot of approval for it. It was a lot of fun for us and want to thank everyone who stopped by! It made our year!
As for the update....why is it taking so long? Well, to be honest, we were hoping to line up a bunch of promotions at the same time to get people to buy the comic, but some of it may or may not happen. I was actually a little confused myself and thought it was submitted a while back and we were holding it for the comic and promotions to go through..but again, everything is taking too long but it looks like the comic will be approved soon. So we decided to just submit it last week and release both, no matter what, on August 3, promotions or not. Sorry for the delay, but Dave took that time to optimize the game more and it runs MUCH faster even on slower devices. He also cut a bunch of time off the initial load...so at least we used the time. I used the time to work on "Journey to Uranus" but now will go back designing the next update which will involve......more primates!
If anyone reads this blog and received the comic at the Con, feel free to give their review in the comments...We want to hear 'em good or bad!
If you are in Chicago in late August, be sure to come to the next convention "Wizard World". Dave and I will be doing more of the same there, but will also have more exclusive stuff to give away and will even have plushes for sale!
Here are some pics that were snapped at the booth...

Monday, July 19, 2010
Comic-con Schedule

Oh boy! There is a lot of frustration about waiting for the update in the comments. I'm really sorry I haven't gotten to responding to them. I'm, actually, just as frustrated as you are and just trying to push through the pile of Pocket God work. There is some somewhat unfortunate stuff going on behind the scenes that I can't go into. Every time I hope we can move forward something is in the way. Thanks for everyone's patience! Dave has done some awesome work optimizing, so the next version will not only run faster, but he has fixed it so we can cram in yet MORE content to the Pygmy's world.
So, yes, going to San Diego, will interrupt my progress on Episode 34 (the next one, not the one in the queue)...but I am really looking forward to Comic-con. I've never been and I hear it is a blast. Plus we will be hanging with dudes from Ape Comics and they are really good guys. Dave and I will have our laptops and will be working during the off-times...but I'm going to want to get in some comic and toy shopping!
So, Ape basically has us scheduled to do a signing every day and we urge you to come by! We will be giving out posters, comic samples (I think), and if you say the code word "Summer Squash", we will give you a Pocket God figure (till supplies run out)! No, its not the plushes, but those are in production.
We will be at the Kizoic/Ape Booth, and our signing times:
Thursday, July 22, 2PM - 4 PM
Friday July 23, 4PM - 6 PM
Saturday July 24, 1PM - 3PM
Sunday July 25, 11AM - 1 PM
Stop by and say hi!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Back from vacation and the chaos begins

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of blog entries. We're incredibly busy, but I just came back from a week-long vacation, and before that Dave and I traveled for a Pocket God related meeting. Here's what's going on...
The comic is in the approval process and the update is submitted as well. Should be out any minute now. I am working on getting art to the programmers for Uranus. I worked on much of the preliminary art months ago, and now am getting my head back in it. Uranus will involve some 3d elements which is looking great! Dave is working with the guys to solidify the game mechanic. Once I give them enough to keep them going. I will work on the art for the second part of our Primate trilogy...which will involve monkeys! These monkeys will be of a smaller variety.
Dave and I will fly to San Diego Comic-con next week to support the Pocket God comic.
In the mean-time, Diamond Publishing has posted an 8-page preview of the PG comic. Check it out!
>> Read the Comic Preview Here <<
The cool art above is from elbetor.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Journey To Uranus coming to iPad

Hey guys! Remember that teaser image we put up a while ago.... well, finally, we're unveiling the next Pocket God project, "Journey To Uranus", coming this Fall to the iPad! It won't be a remake of Pocket God or even "Pocket God II", but Pocket-God spinoff set of mini-games centered around being able to take Pygmies to other worlds. All the interactivity will focus on the strengths of the iPad, namely the bigger size, the extra screen real estate and multi-touch.
>> Read CNN Article Here <<
This doesn't mean we are stopping Pocket God "proper". We have recruited the programming team (Paul Pridham and Elias Pschernig) to help us out while we still work on PG updates. We are already working on the next update as part of our primate theme. And the current update "A Pygmy A Day Keeps the Ape Away" is ready to go...We just have to wait a bit for the comic to be reviewed so we can time both to come out at the same time! As usual, sorry for the wait!
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