Hey folks! We're a little late here with this update but there's still plenty of time to explore the new Harvester challenge on Facebook!

For the next five days, you can buy the new Chubby Turkey power. When you buy this power, a turkey will fly by periodically. Strike the turkey with lightning and it will fall to the island, whereupon a hungry Pygmy will eat it.

When THAT happens, revenge is swift! Two new turkeys fly to the island, and peck their Pygmy tormentors to death! The turkeys then travel to the opposite side of the island, pecking whatever unfortunate Pygmy is in their path. When they reach the end of the island, they fly away, and the cycle begins all over again.

The global challenge is to sacrifice 550,000 pygmies in the next five days. So far, there have been over 50,000 sacrifices made. If everyone reaches that total goal, every Facebook player will win another idol!
Go over to the Facebook app today and give it a try. For extra fun, see how many Pygmies you can have the two turkeys peck before they fly away. Click on the Harvester icon on the left of the Facebook app to see how far people have come.