Hey guys... the kids at Pocket God Forums (no we don't run it) asked David Hedgecock of Ape Entertainment to do a "live" forum posting session where kids got to ask all sorts of questions about the Pocket God comic. David is awesome and is one of the minds behind the comic so he dishes all sorts of exclusive info, including hints about future stories and the first color designs of the female Pygmies (including the names of the few that weren't clear in the comic)---But I won't spoil it here...
>>Go to the Pocket God Forums and check it out <<
And a big shout out to the PG Forums! My apologies, when David notified me of this, I had a distant memory of receiving an email about doing something like this but was in the middle of our holiday rush! I promise to participate next time!
Thanks guys!
P.S. If you haven't already, be sure to vote for us in Best Comic App on 148Apps.com Best App Ever contest.
P.P.S. I've taken a small break from Pocket God Runs to work on the next Pocket God update. Yes...we've got BIG PLANS for 2012!
Thanks for the post, Allan! :)
ReplyDeleteHey people at bolt I'm a member of the fourm (my username is centos to be exact) and it was a real treat to have him on the fourm so he could talk to us and answer our questions and thanks for making awesome games and comics
ReplyDeleteW00t! Glad to see you guys are making big progress too.
ReplyDelete- Ikkerson
It was truly a pleasure to have David at our forums. It was a real honor to have our burning questions answered, and hopefully we can arrange something like this again.
ReplyDeleteAlso, thanks for the post! We're glad David could take the time to come; I know he's a busy guy. We really appreciate what you do, and we hope you'll all keep doing what you're doing for a while yet. :)
It was great having David at the forums even though I didn't have a chance to ask him a question. His answers to the other members questions were fun to read though.
i know that it's nothing to do with this but i think for the new update for pocket god facebook, u should add the female pygmies (the comic female pygmies tribe) hair, shirt , grass skirt, etc. :)
ReplyDeleteCANT WAIT FOR NEW COMIC AND JTU UPDATE also David said a pygmy dies forever hope it's Moon, Kinsee, or Klik
good interview!!! it is real interesting what will happen next in the comics... cant wait!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen is the comic coming out???
ReplyDeleteBefore the 25th
ReplyDeleteThe comic isn't coming out for probably another month. The Pygmy Peril update will be out before the 25th.
ReplyDeleteDamn people, have some patience why don't you?
Hey people it's me agian back with 2 more PG update ideas enjoy!
ReplyDeleteEpisode 45 Attack of the Croc
Now the new jungle island has a crocidile inhabiting it which of course is a boss (I mean why wouldn't it be a boss). Which this boss is pretty much exactally like the saber-tooth tiger. Now of course with a new creature comes with new Charlie stuff when you hang Charlie over the crocs head he will turn into a tiger and beheads the croc.
Episode 46 Revenge of the Sting
You know that idea I had where a beehive is in the game well this update extends the bee powers and now you can bring out the queen bee which is like a boss but it's not. The queen bee works like the zombies off of JTU where you can use a new weapon ,the sword, with it you can slash at the bee until it's dead but if you don't kill it it will attack your pygmies in 3 ways: 1. Stings the pygmy's head and suffocates to death, 2. Sings the pygmy's butt then causing the pygmy to explode and be launched sky high, or 3. Pygmy tries to be a hero and rips the bee's stinger off and will rather stabing the bee or the bee takes the stinger back and stabs the pygmy.
Please tell me what you think about my ideas thanks! :)
RIP George 2
ReplyDeleteWho's George 2?
ReplyDeleteYeah who is George 2
ReplyDeleteWell their were two dead bodies found both wirh a bullet hole in their haeds and both there names were george and they shot each other last night
ReplyDeleteAnonymous dude above me is wrong. Watch #RIPGEORGE by Fridaynightcranks on youtube
ReplyDeleteOh that is sad :( two anonymous before me
ReplyDeleteI want a preview of COMIC 14#
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have patIence around here?
ReplyDeleteDon't know everyone loves pocket god except for haters hater gonna hate
ReplyDeleteThe new update for journey to uranus should be you can turn off the earth quakes and add pluto where you can freeze the pygmies or freeze them in space
ReplyDeleteIn the pocket god update there should be the girl pygmies and a create your own Pygmy and create you own island
ReplyDeleteI agree with Medidi around here we have no PATIENCE
ReplyDeletey people r so active writin these coments?
ReplyDeleteDon't you people think my commEnts are SOOOO beautiful!!!!! Tribe Zeba Hooga
ReplyDeleteI'm permanently resigning forever anyone who posts with my name after this is a liar. Bye now Tribe Ooga Hooga
ReplyDeleteBut doesn't tribe Ooga Hooga have an account?
ReplyDeleteI used to I destroyed it because I now hate this game for not doing Venus got me going WOWman now I leave forvermore Tribe Ooga Hooga
ReplyDeleteAnd you'll be back tommrow like usual
ReplyDeleteANd i love this game even more now that I have Facebook Pocket GOd
ReplyDeleteand we won't be gone ever until well the official end of this game. Until the next JTU update or the Venus update we don't know if their going to use VEnus got me going Wowman.
Oh yeah and for the past 3 months all your posts TZH have been about hating me and saying how great your love is for the game. NOT SO AMAZING OR BEATIFUL
Shaddup my comments are totally beautiful Tribe Zeba Hooga
ReplyDeleteHey pocket hod guys, I sent you guys a picture I hope you like. The game is awesome.I think people who don't like it need to at least try it:)
ReplyDeleteWow some gay wad made an account with my name Tribe Ooga Hooga
ReplyDeleteMY profile has been this way since December and if your such an idiot to impersonate someone with a profile who obviously doesn't hate this game it's not my problem
ReplyDeleteIf you wanna check this profile has been here since december, And this picture is an original Tribe Ooga Hooga tm
Ok now I'm mad. Im the first person to use tribe Zeba Hooga and now more ppl are using it. The above guy wasn't me. I'm the original. Sooooooo how bout a journey to Uranus update? The last one was in october
ReplyDeleteSo now there is three of us???
ReplyDeleteweird i say we just kill the name
Tribe Zeba Hooga
There are three members of tribe Zeba hooga. Cool. Only a lame tribe has one member. Cough ooga Hooga cough
ReplyDeleteTribe Zeba Hooga