So, it took a few more days than we expected to be approved, but Episode 31 is out! And it has a ton of new stuff.
Per the title, this update was geared to start Pocket God story mode. As mentioned earlier, this will serve various purposes. And probably a story will be pushed to you whenever we update Pocket God, to set up that update. But we also hope the story creator will encourage everyone to exercise a new and fun godly duty...creating your own Pygmy stories! To find it, go to the community menu and click the storybook icon (below the store icon).
The pain drain is in the underwater area. It is a new minigame where you tilt your iphone/ipod to guide the pygmy down a subterranean booby trap. Keep the pygmy away from the spikes and see how far down you can go!
We've also created a new Alien World custom pack! And like the Halloween and Holiday, it enables you to sub out weird alien versions of common Pocket God elements. The moon becomes a ringed planet. The dodo becomes a weird alien bird. The Octopus Statue is replaced by the 2001 Space Odyssey monolith!
On Touch Arcade, Dave explains what has been going on the past couple of months. We have heard people loud and clear about wanting MORE smaller updates and we are obliging:
"We've been really busy and have been struggling to get focused time to work on the game. However, we are going to try and change that in the near future. For the last few updates, Allan and I have been adding more and more stuff into them where each update is like 3-4 of our old ones. We're going to start releasing more frequent, but smaller updates in the near future. Pocket God is not done yet. We are still going to be working on more updates and hope to get the excitement that we used to have at the beginning."
>> Read The Rest of Dave's Touch Arcade Post Here <<

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but there has been one feature that I wished you guys could include. The ability to select the Gender of the Pygmies. And expanding on that maybe customizations for each pygmies (different hairstyles, hats, glasses, even clothe maybe?). I just find it somewhat boring when they all look the same.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, Pain Drain is awesome :P
Hi! I'm a big fan of Pocket God and I'm really glad that you guys diligently update the app. I think the story update is awesome, but I was wondering if we would be able to share our stories with other pocket god users around the world via wifi? An option to upload and download stories by PG users?
ReplyDeleteVery, very nice update!! I really like the new minigame and the story mode is awsome. I'm going to try to make some nice stories ;) Thanks guys.
ReplyDeleteps: I can't access feint to load my stories, it says An error occured, maybe there's something with the server. I'll try it later ;)
best update ever guys! i love the story mode!!!
ReplyDeleteBut, there is room for improvement on the story mode. I was thinking, how about adding more deaths for the pygmies, like lightning; you also should be able to make you pygmies do things like making fires, or fishing. Finally, how about adding something where you can share your stories with other people all over the world.
All in All, I love this update!!! Keep up the awsome updates!!!!
I agree with forever dreamer about clothes also could u hav them as different characters such as people in avatar. Also you could have dlc for different films such as lord of the rings where all the monsters change such as the squid and dodo turn into that octopus thing and the nazgul. As well you could make the backgrounds change. Thanx for the amazing updates!
ReplyDeleteHow do you make it so there isn't a speech bubble?
ReplyDeleteExcellent job, guys! I especially love the Skin Pack! The story mode it pretty good, although a bit disorganized. I wasn't entirely sure what the "steps" were until I played my story a few times. Maybe have a storyboard-type diplay that the user can scroll through?
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!
Wow, absolutely incredible. Had this app since 'Just Give Us 5 Minutes" and the changes are mind boggling. Great work Dave and Allan!
ReplyDeleteOn another good note, check out this article!
I don't want to sound like a stupid internet person but.... BEST UPDATE EVAR!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHere's a little blog post I wrote about your wondrous game. Hope you guys like it...
I can only get a pygmy to land speak and then a second pygmy to come out - any tips on how to bring put 2 or more at the same time? Thanks ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a good job but you're losing some fans with these updates. You should go back to the god powers.
ReplyDeleteGreat update, I really like the story mode, but there are two issues. One of them, there is no way to display language specific characters like ñ or ü, I hope you change that soon. Second, if there was a way to hide the "close" button in story mode it would be great for showing the videos.
ReplyDeleteAnd last but not least, a (probably difficult) suggestion... what about the possibility of being able to create video files out of the storys? (if not in-game/in-device then maybe exporting it to some external webpage/software and rendering it there). I'd willingly pay for such an update!
I'm not exactly sure how to "kill off" pygmies in story mode? Can someone help?
ReplyDeletea popular update idea would be customizing each pygmy. costumes like avatar, harry potter, batman, etc. and an island in space. like maybe it wouldn't need to be on the map there could be a rocket ship next to whatever island you are on and you drag the pygmy onto the front and he grabs on and it shoots up to space where there is an awaiting island. the episode could be called "pygmy, we have a problem". please take this under consideration.
ReplyDeleteThis photo looks really funny I love it seriously
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