Woohoo! Thanks to everyone who bought it right away! But we need your help! It's been a while since we had this kind of momentum on iTunes so we want to take advantage of it! Be sure to rate us high on iTunes and leave a great comment! Tweet, blog, Facebook the heck out of it for us. Name your Pygmies and make them do funny things in space and post a screen shot. Get creative... We're watching! And especially awesome posts/images/etc. could earn you a reward!
And to sweeten the pot, see if we can push us into the top 3. If you do, we will post a sneak preview of the next PG update, plus a sneak preview of the next three issues of the comic! And eh, maybe we'll still do it if we don't crack the top 3 but see that there was an EFFORT. We're softies.
Again, thanks for your purchases and support!
Hey, long time no comment :) so I had an idea for the next planet, whenever you choose to make one: Neptune! Of course, I'm thinking it needs to be a planet version of the underwater area of Pocket God original.
ReplyDeleteSo here's my pitch: Alien fish are swimming/floating about, some of which are interactive while others are in the background. A large jelly fish (man of war-like) could possibly be a parody to stormclouds. The statue here is of Neptune of course, but idk what his interactive action could be. Another idea could be to have some sort of small fish tries to eat a pygmy but can only get up to the pygmy's waistline in it's mouth. Therefore creating the world's first MerPygmy!!! This could possibly where the new minigame starts off.
Please consider it! :)
- Pocketplayer64
If we get to number 1, can you make probably one of the comics free?
ReplyDeleteI think the next planet for pocket god: journey to Uranus should be Jupiter, where there are statues of alien-like figures who bow down to and worship a god (pocket god). I also think there should be the planet Neptune, where there are alien fish such as the alien shark from pocket god episode 39. Plus, another new planet- the death star! When you go into the death star, you start a mini-game. It is a mini game similar to the Kongey Dong mini game from pocket god episode 36: Kongey Dong. You carry a light-saber and kill droids along the way. In level 10, you have a duel with Darth Vader. You have actions on the bottom of the screen like swing, force push, block, and dodge. Swing is normal speed and damage, force push stuns, block blocks 75% of the damage, and dodge has a 75% chance of working. You cannot use more than 1 action in three seconds. I also think there should be a story in pocket god comics when the pygmies go to a mysterious island (the one from pocket god episode 39) when Nooby touches one of the god statues and all the pygmies are transported to Jupiter and see what I described earlier with the alien statues. Klik creates a tent out of some plants he found and all the pygmies go to sleep- accept Ooga. Ooga wakes Nooby up and they go exploring. They later encounter a large, green alien just like the statues. The alien takes them to his tribe, and they want to sacrifice them to pocket god. When they are about to be thrown in the lava pit, pocket god himself appears. He says to spare them, and transports all the pygmies back home. I also have an idea for the original pocket god- episode 41: Quick Sand! In this episode there is a new jungle island, with 3 new mini games! The first is to drop a Pygmy in the quick sand. Then, you have to reapeatedly press the screen for the Pygmy to escape. He will sink no matter what, but the more times you press the screen, the higher your score. The second mini game is there is an elephant in the jungle island. Put a Pygmy on it, and it starts running. Then the mini game starts. While the pygmy is riding the elephant, you press on the left part of the screen to duck, and the right part to jump. You do this to avoid branches, quick sand, and other obstacles. This mini game is similar to the runs game. The longer you go, the higher your score. The third you can't use Charlie for. In fact you can't even make Charlie on this island. You drop a Pygmy on a tiger and continueously press the screen to tame the tiger. Then, you're tiger goes into battle. You ride a tiger and you verse Charlie in tiger form riding a mechanical tiger. Each tiger has a life bar and if your life bar runs out, you lose. On the bottom of the screen there are actions you can do. They are: scratch, bite, dodge, block, and flee. You cannot use more than one action within 3 seconds. Scratch is weak but fast, Bite is strong but slow, block only blocks 75% of damage, however dodge has only a 75% chance of working. Hope you enjoyed the comment -Spiros Rally
ReplyDeleteHuh. Good job there^. And I thought my comments/ideas were long! Haha :)
ReplyDeleteWhere can I send you a picture?
ReplyDeleteI think Pocket God Journey to Uranus should have Mars. Were you find Charlies people and be forced into slavery and you have to escape them for a mini game. And also I think there should be a statue of Charlie as a Assasin Warlock. I think it should come to life and stab a in the back and throw him into a pile of dead people.
ReplyDeletedragon + uranus gas = MASSIVE EXPLOSION!!!
ReplyDeleteNumber 3!
ReplyDeleteAm I alone in thinking Venus would be a funky island - and a way to intodice female 'pygmies' (/mantis-lke creatures) into the fray...? ;)
ReplyDeleteHi. This is the person who wrote the long comment, the third one. I agree with Clockpunk but not fully. I think there should be 1 new pygmy, female, named Sekai just like the one in pocket god facebook. Not mantis-like though. She can be turned on and off in the world options, just like Charlie. Charlie is in love with her and while she's around he can't kill anyone, he just stands ther with hearts coming from him while Sekai just acts like a regular pygmy. She dosen't know about Charlie's crush. But this is all for regular pocket god, now let's get to pocket god journey to Uranus. There is a new planet, Mars! A new mini game too. I got this idea from anonymous, so don't give me full credit. There are a bunch of Charlie's people in tiger form saying "I'm a total freakin' rock star from mars." There is also a Charlie King. He sits in a chair. There are about seven Charlies that are gathered around your pygmies, but they don't hurt them. They just say the quote that I wrote the Charlie people say before. There is also a Charlie statue of him in assassin warlock form. If you touch it you start a mini game. All the pygmies except one get zapped by lightning bolts, except one, and all the Charlies run away, except for the Charlie king on his chair. Then the assassin warlock statue makes lightning happen without the clouds. Tilt the device left to make the pygmy slide left, and tilt it right to make the pygmy slide right. You have to avoid the lightning bolts. Once you get struck by lightning, you lose. The longer you survived, the higher your score. Lightning comes down faster as time passes. There can be more than one lightning bolt at a time. Also, I thought of mini games for Jupiter and Neptune from my last comment. In Jupiter if you touch a statue, all the statues break and start chasing one all the pygmies you have there. If you press the screen all the pygmies jump. There are some obstacles that are high so that if you jump, you hit them. This game is similar to the elephant mini game from my last comment and the runs game except if you hit an obstacle, only one pygmy dies. Once all the pygmies are dead, you lose. You go faster and there are more obstacles every second. The farther you go, the higher your score. The Neptune mini game is a little different. When you try to get out of the planet, it dosen't work. There is a forcefeild. If a pygmy touches the forcefeild, you start the mini game. This mini game is similar to the app pocket dino. Your pygmy falls back down, but the impact is so strong that all the water in the planet comes out. All the alien fish are flying in the air but then an alien fish falls on the pygmies hand. This is when the mini game really starts. You tilt the device left to make the pygmy walk left and tilt the device right to make the pygmy walk right. Fish are always falling from the sky and you have to stack them with the pygmy carrying everything on the bottom. The screen moves up as you get more fish, so eventually you won't see the pygmy. But you could still see the stack moving so that's okay. Eventually, you get to space but keep stacking for a higher score. The higher the stack, the higher the score. If you miss 5 fish, you lose and fall back to Neptune.
ReplyDeleteUnless your stack went to space. Then the pygmy climbs the stack and your back in space. You can turn the forcefeild off so you don't have to do the mini game to get out of Neptune. There are no obstacles like there are in Pocket Dino. I also have another mini game for the jungle place in pocket god from my last comment. There are 4 levels and the fourth one goes on until you die. I call this mini game "Kongey Dong's Return". In the island options you can turn giant ape statue on and off, just like ape mountain. If you put a pygmy in it's grasp, Kongey Dong takes the pygmy and climbs up one of the two vines in the background. An other pygmy screams "I'll save you" and climbs up the other one. Kongey Dong climbs to the top and throws barrels, bananas, and ghosts down. Ghosts give extra life but Kongey Dong only throws one down each level and because you can only start with one life, the max life is 5. If a barrel or banana hits the pygmy, he loses a life. Press the right side of the screen to make the pygmy jump to the vine on his right and left part of the screen to jump to the left. You do this to avoid barrels and bananas. If he loses all his life he falls of and dies. Once you get to the top, Kongey Dong moves up again and you move on to the next level. Each level gets harder. Also, in each level there is an extra vine. Plus, I have an idea for pocket god comics. The first story could be when Charlie comes. Next story when Sekai comes and Charlie's in love with her and everyone is transported to mars because Charlie touched a statue and everyone sees all Charlie's people in tiger form and the pygmies find out that Charlie was sent to Earth to observe the pygmies and the Charlie King has the Gem of Life! Charlie took it before everyone was transported to Mars. He wants to reverse it to make it's powers on him and want's Sekai to be his wife and to sacrifice the rest but Ooga escapes. Then Ooga convinces Charlie to help him save the others and make Sekai Charlie's wife and Charlie could be king. The Charlie King is a bad king and all the Charlies want someone else to be king so Charlie convinces everyone to use assassin warlock on him to defeat him and Charlie would be king. It works and Charlie becomes king and Sekai becomes queen and the rest of the five pygmies go home. Next story Kongey Dong kidnaps all the pygmies except Ooga and Kongey Dong is making everyone sink in quik sand in the jungle island and has the Gem of Life and Ooga looks for everyone in Ape Mountain and finds a scroll to help him find the jungle island and the monkeys team up with him and find the island and save everyone and they go back home. Hpoe you enjoyed the comment! -Spiros Rally
ReplyDeleteSorry I had to split my comment in two. Can't have more than 4,096 characters. Peh. If you can't write that many whose going to even write a comment with such a small limit?
ReplyDeleteMr. Rally, I'm the one who wrote the Mars Coment. I saw you ideas and thank you for giving me credit. I think if they put both of our ideas together it would be epic! I like your idea for the mini game, but that would mean my idea for the statue would not work, but that's ok. I found a new way for it to work. When it's cloudy, you drag the lighting down on a pygmy, and a Chaire Assasin Warlock comes down and stabs him in the back an is electracuted! And Bolt Creative, there are so many ideas for this I won't mind if you take months adding all of this, as long as it's all there!
ReplyDeleteAnd Mr. Rally, my gamecenter name is CycoGamer. If Pocket God ever gets multiplayer, I would like to play you. If you send me a request, just put that you Mr. Rally in the message. And I love all your ideas! Bolt Creative is lucky to have you giving them ideas. Im the guy how posted the mars idea, and Cyco Guy is my new name.
ReplyDeleteGood game I can't wait for the next update also for mars a 2 suggestions are 1.the ability to spawn dust devils and a mini game like guitar hero that you play against Charlie (he's a total freaking rockstar from mars).
ReplyDeleteI think you should be able to change the black hole to a worm hole to another solar system. It should be a binary star system that if you stay between the stars you will get ripped apart. I also think should two planets, one planet should have primitive life and alien Pygmys, then the other planet should like mercury except they like reversing time and have time reversing bubbles makes Pygmys turn into baby Pygmys. Cw
ReplyDeleteI'm new to this and I was thinking, what if your pygmys could go in the sun like they could a planet. They landed on little rocks. If they fell off the rock then they fell in the lava, except Charlie who doesn't get hurt by the lava. Occasionally a sunspot will go of and blow one of the rocks and the Pygmy on it sky high. There should also be a small hole you could drop your Pygmy in and it would start a mini game. The mini game would be your in an ice bubble in the core of the sun and fire balls were coming at you from all sides. You are always Charlie in the mini game and wherever you touched, Charlie pounces after he turned into his tiger form. Then he eats the fire ball.
ReplyDeleteThis is the same person who talked about the sun. What if a Charlie could pick up a voodoo doll of one of the other pygmys. To make this entresting, if you can, add onto this. Kalindro
ReplyDeleteI found a new way for it to work. When it's cloudy, you drag the lighting down on a pygmy, and a Chaire Assasin Warlock comes down and stabs him in the back an is electracuted! And Bolt Creative, there are so many ideas for this I won't mind if you take months adding all of this.. Thanks