Where did we go???? Ugh. Sorry guys. Sometimes we all need a break. So I took a little break from the blog. We have been racing against the clock (and working 12-15 hour days) to make sure we got this next update in to be on time for the Christmas rush. Between now and the 25th, there will be hundreds of updates and new apps flooding into the app store and we caught wind that it might take 4 weeks for an update.
The first thing that needed to happen was Dave had to redo the graphics engine to be able to handle more art. The iphone has a limit to how much graphics can be loaded into memory at once, so he had to create a smart-loading solution. This is WAY complicated when you have a crazy app like pocket god with all these intertwining functions. But he did it in record time. Then when that was out of the way, we actually had to change our plan a little. We decided to make a mega-update rather than try to fit two updates in before christmas. So, we created a new ice island, created a new giant monster, a new structure for the pygmies to hang out, a new map function AND of course we created a purchasable Christmas-based custom pack which is a lot like the halloween pack, but wintery and holiday-ee. Let's just say, its the start of a cold, yet cheerful, winter for the pygmies. And regarding the monster game, it has a whole new game-play. We submitted it yesterday and should be in the approval queue.
Dave will go into more detail in his update, but we appreciate everyone's patience. I am a little frustrated that I don't have anything else major to announce, like I thought I would, by now. But we are getting close to lining up new projects....this time around we have to sign contracts, etc. before we can really say its a "Go".
I just went on to youtube and found this hilarious video by Vdominus and I think it speaks for itself. And, just to be clear, this video doesn't necessarily express the opinion of Bolt Creative...NECESSARILY :) thanks Vdominus!
Also, the illustration above was provided by
Dylan Johnson <-- Click here to check out more!.
Cool Video! I like the battle thing in it. UP YOURS, EYEDIP!!!!!
ReplyDeleteway too much inappropriate language on that video. a 10 year old should not be saying words like that. (im assuming it was a 10 year old who made that cause anyone of an older age would have a life and have better things to do with their time.) and Bolt Creative is becoming very unprofessional showing videos like that and calling pocket devil "pee devil". its no wonder pocket god is no longer in the top 25
ReplyDeletei cant wait for this update!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, I just watched AppAdvice(episode 41 I believe, the one next to the youtube video when it finishes), and it describes the Pocket God VS. pee-devil war PERFECTLY!!!(you win)
ReplyDeleteYay!!! Ice island, new monster and a lot of mega update + new project is a big announcement!!! yay i love pocket god
ReplyDeletePee devil needs to DIE!
ReplyDeleteA christmas pack? Aw......! I won't be able to buy it because I ran out of money on my iTunes account 2 weeks ago. When I get funded, though, that will be the first thing I buy!
ReplyDeleteAlso, that little cartoon pic is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteThanks bolt I knew most of the stuff but didn't know about the structure thing... Anyway I understand the long update thing... But hopefully all the other apps go bankrupt or apple decides to approve the pocket god thing first... Can't wait for the update thing... I like saying thing... Oh and can you maybe kind of try to draw a little sketch of the new island thing... Or maybe at least post something to keep us happy?
ReplyDeleteHey bolt hav u thought about my Castle Defence suggestion. Get bailout wars and just add a PG theme to it and also new things( regain health because Bailout Wars doesn't let u regain money/health). PLEASE reply. PLEASE take my idea into consideration for ur sequel
ReplyDeleteThis update is going to be incredible. I can't wait, and we all really appreciate you guys at bolt and all that you do. One idea though, if you are still going to go through with the ice trilogy, or maybe just another future update, is to have some sort of air-hockey like minigame. That would be AMAZING. thanks again for all the hard work. I LOVE POCKET GOD!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNice video person whose name I forgot who made that video; it perfectly sums up the battle between pocket god and "pee devil".
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for after the trilogy!!!
ReplyDeleteEp:32 A female tale by Ryan Hornsby woohoo my name :)
what ever happnde to doing an update with the red star?
ReplyDeleteFake, if you hate Bolt Creative so much, why do you even bother coming here.
ReplyDeleteMy son is 2 years old and addicted to pocket god. if he sees the ipod, he wants to play "the people in the water" is what he calls it Once he gets it, it takes extreme circumstances to get it out of his hands. but the good thing is, the game kept him occupied on a flight from Norfolk VA to New Orleans and during tense times on a 6 day cruise to Mexico. You have my extreme thank you for this app.
ReplyDeletefake sthu i would say F*** but its blocked if u want to post trash u can go to pee devil hell and blot is professional and didnt they say countless times befor there app is just well silly and they can post what they want if thats it then so be it if a 10 year old made it who gives a D&^% and if u have a problum with its its the parents fault not bolt sorry bolt for the lang but this guy needs to shut up
ReplyDeleteHey fake, I made it and I'm 14 :/ Sorry I shocked you with all those rude words :'( forgive me, I didn't know over 50s like you went on youtube and pocket blog. I repent :(
ReplyDeleteGREAT GAME!!! But by the way i have a photo i dont know how to post... Could you tell me how? Funny little viedo thing there!!! Lol
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody like meh art? :D
ReplyDeleteYou know what? SHUT UP FAKE! Week after week you complain, its a little tiring. Anyways, you rock Bolt, keep it up. Been following since Episode 2, still my top app.
Pocket God Forums - www.pgforums.tk
Ps Thanks for the mention a couple of months ago.
Title:The heart of a warrior
ReplyDeleteIcon: A pygmy in a fighting pose wearing a black belt
Tittle: Ninja Pygmy. Sypnosis: The pygmys have discovered a strange item that has washed up on the beach; a black belt. When the pygmys wear the belt a sudden power rushes through their bodies and gives them the great fighting power of a karate master. With their new found power they chop open coconuts, slice open fish, and get back at the shark and dodo for some mean things (pooping, eating etc). But sometimes the pygmys get mad with power and beat up the other pygmys for no reason.
Hi you have a lot of people complaning on iTunes saying it's been 5weeks where's the fing update and stuff like that. And also I have a good idea for your next episode you could add a jungle island an there there is a banana tree and when you tap on the bananas 6 fall down and all of the pygmys eat and then a giant gorilla comes and you have to fight him,and it could have a Venus fly trap there that sucks on pygmys that pass it,and ithe jungle could also havea nest and during the day if you tap it 5 times bees come out and sting the pygmys but if you tap it at night mosquetoes (I don't think thats how you spell it) and then they suck the blood out of the pygmys.and I think that everyone should stop complaning it's really anoying.
ReplyDeletehow would you feel if someone stole your profit?????? Fake im talking to you
ReplyDeleteWhen is Pocket God Episode 29 1.28 (Pyg Chill) gonna come out? I am like waiting forever for it.
ReplyDeleteEveryone likes the odd funny video, and pee-devil was (I think) supposed to be a bit of a joke - they just meant it to be slightly insulting, but at the same time to have some amusement from it.