When we link youtube videos and other sites to the pocket blog, it does a pretty good job of increasing views and visibility thanks to everyone who comes here. This benefits us because then fans make more stuff! Sort of a "scratch my back I'll scratch yours" situation. Chris Atkins whipped up another hilarious comic at his site
NerdismComics.com. Be sure to go the site and tell them its fantastic! Thanks Chris!

Click the image above to go to the page and be sure to check out their other content, which includes a Nerdism's own comics, really funny movie reviews and other random nerd-type stuff!.
nice! Hey, have you guys ever considered making an official PG comic? I mean, the main characters could have the default Pygmy names and look slightly different... you could even sell merchandise! I'd buy a PG mug or something... or action figures!
ReplyDeleteLol that's funny! I like his work.
ReplyDeleteLove the new update! :) You finally added an octopus! You should make the octopus appear underwater! Btw, if you end up making some kind of Pocket God sequal/spin-off, please DON'T make it iPad-exclusive. I've heard some developers will be doing this with new apps, and I don't like that...
ReplyDeleteIf you ask me your updates have been long with tons of new features, like new monsters to fight,temperature change,and zombies(btw new update is awsome and I love the new dances),making fun and hilarious updates keep up the good work.I also have a good idea for a new island: the pygmys come across a desert and in the desert there is a cactus that you can drop Pygmies onto,the Nile river which has a crocodile you can switch with the shark and you can switch between them on any island,the pygmies die of thirst 30 seconds after you make lightning strike,and there is a nest with eggs and if you have Pygmy eat the egg a giant scorpian comes out and you fight him by using the spear.The title could be I'm really thirsty