We tried to time it so that both came out at the same time (which is why we included the link in PG). But it came out just yesterday, and went to number one in books in a New York minute! In this issue, the Pygmies leave the island in search of a legendary temple to restore the Gem of Life (that enables their immortality). They set sail in an empty turtle shell, but of course, nothing is ever easy for the pygmies!

Also, at no extra charge, if you've purchased at least one issue of Pocket God, you should be able to read the supplementary magazine "The Pygmy Peril". This issue has exclusive art (a limited edition comic cover that I created)...as well as interviews and replies to "letters" (a.k.a. comments) from Ape Entertainment! But wait...there's MORE! Ape is including their own personal comic "Little Green Men" as bonus content! Its hilarious so even if you don't get issue 2, check this out!

I want to give props to Jason Burns, the fantastic writer of the series, Rolando Malada, the amazing artist, and Brent Erwin and Dave Hedgecock, the (enlarged) brains of Ape, for producing such a quality comic. If you don't believe me, just check out these reviews...
"I hadn't heard of this property until the first issue but in just two issues it has become a highlight of the year in any genre of comics. With two issues left I hope that doesn't mean that it is the end of Pocket God because it is a property with immense potential and hopefully one with legs on it." David O' Leary, Comic Related
>> Read the rest at comicrelated.com <<
"There was a lot more meat to the story than I was expecting from a first look at the cutesy style of the book. I imagine if I was familiar with the game there would be nuances that I didn't catch on to, but independent from the game this was a genuinely fun book to read and also one I'd be quick to recommend to kids as well." Amanda McDonald, Newsarama>> Read the rest at Newsaram.com (scroll down) <<
And thanks to everyone who bought one or both issues! I notice some kids were surprised to be charged another 99cents for the second issue. We knew that was going to be a concern, so if you pay 1.99, you get the remaining 3 issues (which means one is free). Keep in mind, a physical comic is 3-4 dollars, and digital comics don't tend to give you every issue for a one time charge of 99cents! And hey, Ape has to pay their fantastic team! Don't forget, we will have four installments of the Pygmy Peril at no extra charge that includes issues of Ape's awesome "Little Green Men".