2012's coming in fast, and there promises to be an island-load of fun stuff coming for Pocket God fans. First and foremost, of course, is "The Runs," the brand new run-and-jump game that we hope to have available by March at the latest. Allan and Dave want this to be so good that they're taking whatever time is necessary to make sure everyone gets a quality game. But that's not all, of course, and we hope you'll enjoy the Pocket God and Journey to Uranus updates as they come out!
2011 was a good year for us -- among all the updates for Journey to Uranus, our biggest one, "Decapithon," seems to have been received pretty positively! The iOS many updates included "Battle of the Gods" multiplayer and all the idols contained therein. The "Two and a Half Pygmies" brought a whole host of Android updates into one. (We haven't forgotten about Android or WP7, you can bet on it!)
On top of that the Pocket God comic provided by APE Entertainment has enriched the PG universe with a tribe of female pygmies which will take the comic into amazing and adventurous new directions!
There's more we could mention, but we don't want to brag, just reflect a little! We're looking forward to creating more and more goodies for you, because even though this is a lot of work, it's also a lot of fun. If it weren't for you, it wouldn't be possible to combine work and fun this well.
Seeing us out are two funny Youtube videos. First of all, a cute 2-year-old attempts the Pocket God Update Song with a great deal of enthusiasm:
Second... REAL LIFE POCKET GOD? Oh, we're all in trouble. This video's really funny and clever; way to go, guys!
Many thanks to BigsbyTremolo and Nikaoto for those videos!
Happy 2012!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas from Pocket God!

Hey folks. Hope you're enjoying your December 25 this year! Today, Allan and Dave are taking some time away from creating newer and more twisted things for you to do to Pygmies to be with their families. In the meantime, if you've woken up this morning and thought "Oh no! I forgot to get the Pocket God fan on my list a present!" .... why not visit the Pocket Shop? Even if that Pocket God fan on your list happens to be yourself! You deserve something cool with a Pygmy on it too, so check it out!
> > Visit the Pocket Shop! < <
Thursday, December 22, 2011
White Fishmas - Pocket God Facebook's latest Global Quest!

A new idol has appeared in the Pocket God Facebook store -- the Father Fishmas idol!

Looking like a chubby, frozen Santa Claus, this idol has mistletoe on it. If you drop two pygmies below the mistletoe, they get all gushy and mushy and kiss each other. The goal is to get 1,000,000 pygmies to kiss before December 28. If this goal is accomplished, all Pocket God players who participated in the quest get a special reward!

A new power has also been added -- chilly snow! Activating the chilly snow power will cause dark clouds to appear, and light snowflakes will fall from the sky. Some are small and white, and others are slightly larger and bluish. If a pygmy stands under a white snowflake, he will look up in awe at it and then stick out his tongue to taste it. However, if he tries that on a blue snowflake...

...he freezes! And should another pygmy approach the frozen pygmy, he will stick out his tongue and stick to the pygmy! Watch what happens when the pygmy tries to get loose... and see what happens when you move the frozen pygmy around! Experiment with that new god power, there's some funny stuff happening here!
Finally, Frima has added the ability to send a Candy Cane to a friend! If a friend sends you one, it will appear at the top of the screen. When you click on it, a Candy Cane will spawn one on the island. A Pygmy will then eat it and you will gain eight devotion points. You get three Candy Canes just for participating in the Fishmas Global quest, so get those pygmies a-kissin'!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Episode 42, Bone Soup, now available!

Here it is, the last Pocket God update of the year!
A new pyramid idol has appeared underwater, with strange icons imprinted on it. When you hit the symbols in a certain order, you can activate five special powers: fire, ice, acid, oil and air. Fire, ice and acid have obvious repercussions, but oil is a little unusual, and air... well, we'll just let you see for yourself!

Included is the Candyland skin pack, which turns the island and all the skinnable elements associated with it into a series of sweet, tooth-rotting delights! Change a meteor into a donut, a fish into a gummi bear, and the outhouse into a giant frosted cupcake!

And finally, the Fishmas pack has a new addition: the Pygmies singing the "Twelve Days of Fishmas" song! See just how jolly your Pygmies can get... before you lead them to the underwater pyramid, of course.
Watch "Bone Soup" in action here:
Pocket God comic Issues 12 AND 13 now available!

As promised, here's your Christmas surprise... TWO issues of the Pocket God comic released at once!
Issues 12 and 13 complete the "Quest Called Tribe" story arc. The Pygmies meet more of Sun's tribe. The two tribes develop an uneasy alliance as they travel to the mysterious ruins to find the secret of Newbie and the Gem of Life. In the meantime, Nooby has found allies of his own. Klik is forced to confront his beliefs about the nature of their world while electrifying dangers claw at our heroes! Once this adventure is over, neither tribe will be the same!
Also included in this update is Pygmy Peril 12, featuring the Little Green Men and the Dev-Corner. As you can see, there's a lot to enjoy, so check it out!
And don't forget, later today, Episode 42 of the iOS Pocket God app, "Bone Soup", will debut, so keep checking in!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Episode 42, Bone Soup, debuts tomorrow!

Bone Soup, our last update for Pocket God for 2011, involves more underwater craziness! A powerful Pygmy-punishing pyramid gives you new abilities, if you hit the icons just right! 148Apps has a preview of gameplay, along with a sample of the new Candyland skinpack and the "Twelve Days of Fishmas" dance. Check out some of the goodies we're going to have for you tomorrow!
> > Click here for the 148Apps preview! < <
In addition to the above-mentioned update, we're going to have a massive new Christmas surprise for you to unwrap tomorrow, so don't go far away!
And, last but not least...
> > Read Dave's State of the Island here! < <
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Merry Fishmas! Here's a sneak preview of "Pocket God: The Runs!"
Allan toiled hard this year to bring you a new Fishmas card -- "The Twelve Days of Fishmas!" If you're not bestowing some of the gifts mentioned in the song to your pygmies, Santa may have to come and fish-slap you. The pygmy dance will be included in the next update for the iOS Pocket God, coming very soon.
Also is a sneak preview of our next ALL-NEW game, "The Runs." This'll give you an idea of what gameplay will be like. Enjoy!
Note: Sorry, Allan chiming in here....there was some confusion in the text before about it being part of Journey To Uranus. The Runs is an all-new game. If you notice, the Pygmy design has been tweaked a little. You may wonder "why did they tweak the pygmy design? Well, we had to revisit the Pygmy design for a new function we are introducing in the Runs....can you guess what it is?
Oh, and the Twelve Days of Fishmas was performed by Liz Radford and Gavin Courtie (http://www.2inabar.com/), who brought you Very Merry Fishmas. Additional video editing and effects courtesy of Scott Young.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
IGN features preview of "The Runs!"

IGN has given a sneak preview of "The Runs," our new iOS game that's set to debut early next year. This has been expanded from the mini-game included in Episode 32's "Crack is Wack" into a multi-level run-and-jump adventure. We've been working very hard to give it all the action and craziness that you expect from a Pocket God game. Until the final version is completed and ready to go live, though, we gave IGN an early version to preview.
> > Read the IGN Preview -- with screenshots -- here! < <
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Pocket God reviewed at Electric Playground -- and introducing the POCKET SHOP!

Electric Playground, G4's foremost video game news show, has featured Pocket God on Reviews on the Run! While Dave has been on Electric Playground before, this is the first time they've done a full review of the game. And it's a mind-blowingly cool review, too. Thanks, Shaun and Marissa!
> > Check out Reviews on the Run here! < <

Also in the news... the Pocket Shop goes live today! Featuring T-shirts, comics and the Pocket God figurine, this is a great place to explore if you need to get your Christmas shopping done... or if you just want a little of that PG swag for yourself.
> > Visit the Pocket Shop today! < <
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The end of the Comic app promotion brings a preview of Episode 42 idol!

The Free Pocket God Comic app ended last night, and we hope that everyone who took advantage of it is now getting into the tribe's crazy adventures. Really quickly, we'd like to make a shoutout to all the people who put all those comics together:
Jason Burns, writer extraordinaire; Rolando "Rolo" Mallada, penciller of worlds; Aroldo, inker of pencils; Paul Little and Diego Rodriguez, providers of color; and Nick Deschenes, master of lettering.
On top of that, there's Weldon Adams, Editor, Isaiah Samson, Assistant Editor, and, of course, the two big kahunas: APE Entertainment co-founders David Hedgecock and Brent Erwin.
All these people come together to bring the Pocket God comic to digital form (and print form too!) and thus have earned their supersized kudos. On top of what they've already done, they're working hard to provide a special surprise regarding Issues 12 and 13, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, we're still laboring over PG in its various forms. To show you some of the fun stuff you have to look forward to, we're providing a sneak preview of the idol that will come with the next Pocket God (iOS) update, at the top of this entry! Enjoy!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
More mentions for the Pocket God Comic app!

The Pocket God comic app continues to get more mentions across the web!
First of all, Comic Book Resources features an article about the success of the comic, coupled with a free preview of Issue 11:
[APE Entertainment,] known best in the direct market for its Kizoic kids comic line with titles like Richie Rich and Strawberry Shortcake has over the past year take the digital comics world by storm thanks to a partnership with smart phone game developer Bolt Creative on the ongoing Pocket God comic series.> > Read the Comic Book Resources article here! < <
148Apps has also featured the Pocket God comic in an article of their own:
It’s amazing how certain iOS games can just explode into our culture, isn’t it? ... The sadistic little app from Bolt Creative about the lovably doomed island of pygmies has also been bitten by the success bug.> > Read the 148Apps article here! < <
LevelUpNews has a lomg and complimentary article written about the Pocket God Comic, mentioning the original App as well:
[The] success of Pocket God comes from a combination of endearing characters, unique art style and an incredibly fanatical community of followers.> > Read the LevelUp article here! < <
Remember (and I can't stress this enough, honest) if you haven't discovered the wonders of APE Entertainment's fine work on the Pocket God Comic, this is your chance to get the Comic App (which includes issue 1) for FREE, until December 11! That's only three days away, so take this opportunity now!
> > Click here to get the Pocket God comic app for free! < <
Thanks, folks. If it weren't for the "incredibly fanatical community" (or as we like to call them, "cool people") like yourselves, Pocket God wouldn't be the success it is now.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
New Kotaku article on Pocket God - featuring a sneak peek at Issue 12!

Kotaku has just featured Pocket God in one of today's top stories! They're also featuring a sneak preview of part of Issue 12, so go on over there to check it out!
> > Click here to read the Kotaku article! < <
Remember, Issue 1 of the Pocket God comic is free until December 11. If you've been putting off reading the comic, there's no better time to start than now!
> > Click here to get the Pocket God comic app for free! < <
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Issue 11 is out! Plus, Pocket God Issue #1 is FREE for limited time!!

Hello again, folks! Issue 11 of the Pocket God comic is out! This continues the "A Quest Called Tribe" story arc. If you'll recall, Sun has led our brave Pygmies underwater to a mysterious temple. However, dangers surround the temple, some more mysterious than others! On top of that, the Pygmies make an important discovery about the Gem of Life... and about Newbie as well. There's a serious amount of action in this issue... and once again, Nooby is at the center of a new plot point he barely understands.
If you haven't actually had the chance to read the Pocket God comic, we have good news for you. Until December 11, 2011, the Pocket God comic app is FREE which includes the first issue (free also). This is a great way to get yourself hooked on the little oval-headed guys' adventures, so don't wait! Get it now!
> > Click here to get the Pocket God comic app! < <
By the way, we apologize for the delay getting this out but Issue 12 and 13 are coming fast behind, we're hoping before the Christmas holiday.
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