"So, we ran into some bad luck this week and our latest update got rejected, we don't have a definitive answer as to why but they said it was due to us using a copyrighted image and we are guessing that its because of a option icon that looks like an iPhone. We changed it to look like a generic screen as well as changed a iphone that we had in the help pages since update 4 that looks like an iphone as well. Not sure why they chose this week to be picky but hopefully this update goes through. I also just want to let everyone know that we are not slowing down in our updating, even though a update didn't come out this week, the new update we resubmitted contains both the fishing and the ants update (including feint). And we are working on 1.13 now, "Say My Name!".
Other than this, I am really bummed about not getting our update out. we had an april fools joke planned where users would see the following screen at the start of the game.

Once they click on it, they would get a message "April Fools" and then the real episode would start. We stayed up so late to get this in, it really stinks that they decided to pick this week to be stricter about the review process."
Really great April fools idea! I would've died had I seen that. Anyways, it my birthday! And I'm First!
ReplyDeleteI may be looking at this too much into this but doesnt it seem alittle too coincidental that this week they decided to reject your update and you just happened to include an april fools joke in that update. I think not, This is apple, they probably saw the april fools joke and did not want it to go live because of all of the complications that could come from it. Thats why they rejected the update and gave you such a vague reason as to why. I just dont know why they wouldn't have told you that they didn't like the april fools joke other then they could tell you anything for the rejection. I hope I am wrong about this. but you never know...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehaha. That would have been great. Sorry it got rejected. Cans wait 4 the update
ReplyDeleteso when do you think the update will come out on itunes?
ReplyDeletebummer about the april fools joke.
Just wondering....
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't the shark defy gravity when the game is flipped?
Shouldn't the shark fall into the sky (if you pull him out of the water?)
Man, that trick would of been EPIC. :3
ReplyDeleteThat would have been AWESOME if that had happened. I would have flipped out if I didn't know beforehand that it was an April Fool's Joke.
ReplyDeletePLZ UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ReplyDeletedude that would have been amazing oh well it'll come when it comes keep up the good work and i was thinking that maybe the pygmies could fight back against the vampire it would be sweet or the vampire could like change and fly away or something like that it would be really cool
ReplyDeleteok suggestion... sorry its in the wrong spot i hope you read this and concider it.
ReplyDeleteOk when you throw three vampire pygmies into the volcano instead of erupting like normal a bunch of bats would fly out... just like a little easter egg type thing i thought would be kind of cool. The bats would be just for looks though they wouldnt have an effect on the pygmies
You guys do realize that the update would have to come out like today to keep the update a week thing. Also, I think the islanders should be able to dig up treasure and end up fighting over it (E.G One digs it up, another pushes the islander into the water and takes it and on and on.) you could take the treasure away and throw it in the water. But I can't wait for the updates. WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO DO SOMETHING WITH THE IDOL HEAD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteomg! 9th place on top 25 here in norway :O!!!!!! if there is someone from norway out there, who loves this game; skriv en omtale eller to og gi masse stjerner!! vi skal ikke la flight control være over oss!!
ReplyDeleteHey, i get what the fishing update is about, buts whats going on with the ants? What do they do to the islanders? Im just curious
ReplyDeleteCant wait for the next DOUBLE update. When will it be out? (roughly). I think that it is great that instead of just blaming apple for the update being delayed, that you actually made it a two-for-one to make up for it and keep all of your loyal customers happy. And by the way i would have totally fell for the April Fools joke, shame.
ReplyDeleteWOW that sucks and i was wondering the same thing Gronfors and also how come when you flip the game and you spawn a pigmy and try to hit it with a shark it doesn't work.Oh and also has anyone tried flipping the game and then spawning a bunch of em. It is so fun.
ReplyDeleteI would've screamed had I seen that. I would have been so mad, but I would've searched that App Store all day for the $4.99 PG. I love this app too much to pass up! :-D
ReplyDeleteAhhhh man that would have been cool.Oh and i was wondering the same thing as Gronfors.And also how come when you flip the game and spawn a pigmy pick up the shark and try to hit them it doesn't work.And also has anyone tried flipping the game and then spawning a bunch of em.One more question....sorry there are so many questions but how do i comment as something simple like just Ben.
ReplyDeleteIm so excited for the update! Do you get to like name the islanders in Say my name?
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of you guys are reading too much into the rejection..... I mean, it's not like they have a grudge with PG, why would they? I think apple was totally off base with their reasoning, but it's not like they have it out for them... If they did their "ALMIGHTY STEVE JOBS" would've taken it off the shelves.
But yeah.... Smelly app store!
Should be out Monday I think if not the latest may be wednsday with all that apple now has to do don't evan argue about the update a week I think it's gonna be brokenwith so many updates and remember Jobs is off if my calculations are correct because of health issues
ReplyDeleteSomething odd's happened - In the UK App Store Pocket God has vanished from the Top 50 (Yes, i've scanned it carefully to make sure i haven't just missed it). The page is still there when you search it, and it's still saying v1.10...
ReplyDeleteThough surely it can't have dropped from 4th to bellow 50th? :P
Ahh, nevermind... It's back now and in 5th position - still v1.10 :(
ReplyDeletedoes any1 no when it will be released?
ReplyDeleteOh my god! Pureskill is right!
ReplyDeleteOh sorry about the double comment. I thought that it didn't get submitted so i made it again. Ill stay up all night just to get this update. They said it would be released tonight. Ill just wait. Anyone else?
ReplyDeleteMAN....why are people so dumb? Go look at the reviews and people are getting mad just because the update is a tiny bit late.I mean c'mon.
ReplyDeletei think that say my name is naming the islanders. U could add in the bit from pocketgodrocks idea from one of the previous blogs about update 1.11 & 1.12, cant miss it its massive! Its a really great idea tho, check it out. To name the islanders and their stats, qouldnt a moise icon taht u click on, then the islander to customise them, otherwise you might not want to customise the islander wen u r messin wiv them. Just an idea lol!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog at ipodblogger30.blogspot.com, a post an app of the day reviewing an app. Pocket God will probably be on soon too.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog at, ipodblogger30.blogspot.com, I do an App a day review, and i'll probably do Pocket God soon.
ReplyDeleteFor the say my name update, you should have a mouse icon that you click on to customise the islanders, this would make it easier to customise, and you wouldnt be playing with the islanders and accidentaly start customising an islander. Also, pocketgodrocks' idea is a very good one, its on a previous blog about update 1.11 or 1.12 or the one on both and open feint. Anyways u cant really miss it its massive, that idea should be on say my name update, not saying it will, but its a brill idea and would make a good addition to the PG expierience!
ReplyDeleteThat would have scared the crap out of me. How long does it usually take for an update to go through?
ReplyDeleteCan u post a video of somethings fishy just so we know what it looks like?
ReplyDeleteThat would have been really funny except I might have killed myself!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I want to know what's going to happen in march of the fire ants and when you think it will be available?
I'm so excited for the double update!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you could be a bit more specic about when the update is comeing out cause i've Been checking the app store every hour since I heard about the update please let me know
ReplyDeleteI found a glitch.
ReplyDeleteIf you flick the islanders into the background with a diagnol (A motion like /),they will always land into the volcano,even though they aren't aimed towards it..
ReplyDeleteHey, go to my blog at ipodblogger30.blogspot.com, I posted the app of the day, Pocket God!
ReplyDeleteWhat do the islanders do with the fish. Is there going to be an ant hill. What do the ants do. Can't wait for the double update though. Here is some ideas.
ReplyDeleteAn Eskimo island where the islanders are Eskimos and the island is ice.
The islanders can hiteach other with unopened coconuts.
If you tap a button spears come out and you can drop a shark on the island and the islanders start stabbing it
people read previous comments he answer for when tv update is out was answered!!
ReplyDeleteThe update not coming in is not pocket gods fault but can you at least tell us if well even see it by the end of the week
ReplyDeleteu guys should have some shame. u should be punished and ashamed for not getting the update on time. instead of replying to when it will be out and getting it out quicker u just concentrate on other stuff like wall paper contests really a pity.
ReplyDeletePLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell us when the update will come out PLEASE i beg of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBtw i LOVE pocket god
Ku! You shame us! Well, we are wrapping up "Say My Name" and have finished "Something's Fishy and March of the Fire Ants as one update. I don't think we're being lazy since we work through every weekend and past midnight every Sunday...Neither of us has seen Watchmen yet! The reason for the vagueness and delays has to do with Apple. We finally have a contact inside who has JUST filled us in on what happened, which I won't bore you with, but they SAY its coming out today or tomorrow. But our confidence is shaken and if something happens and it still doesn't come out...we have egg on our face again. So take that with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteKu, read up on the subject before speaking please ;)
ReplyDeletethis ku person needs to shutup. You shamed ur parents when u came out! (Ususally i dnt make such childish insults but im sick so excuse it.)
ReplyDeleteJust shutup and stop staring at the computer every second of the day waiting for updates.
Ive been waiting for this update. Ive checked maybe 12 times today. You guys rock! You should be punished Ku!
ReplyDeleteKu!!!!! What the **** is your problem they are the best and hardest workers!!! They are awesome and should be treated as GODS!!!! ( get it gods) lol keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteku... shut up...your adopted
ReplyDeleteya ku, if you arent happy with whats going on dont play the app. us as customers are lucky to even be getting updates like this okay. the update is a privelige not a right. i am happy that we have such devoted people who dont even know us so determined to keep us entertained. so shame on you for critizing them especially whenthey work harder than you think.
ReplyDeletehaha. Hey, maybe Ku was joking around :) the internet brings out the devil in us.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say something to bolt creative. In the say my name update, there should be the option to have the islanders say your name and beg you for mercy not to slay them. Also, when are you guys going to do something with the tiki head? I'm sure I'm not the only one waiting for something to happen with that ;). All in all I am appreciative of the updates you guys put out. Can't wait to see what the ants do. But can the islanders do with the fish once they catch them?
ReplyDeleteAlright, for all you people this is ALL Bolt Creative fault, LOL at you. I mean it's not their fault it is Apple for having stricter policies. I would LOVE to see 2 random idiots ( by idiots I mean 2 random guys out of like 1000 who complain about the updates) make a game like this and UPDATE it every WEEK.
ReplyDeleteExactly, think before you post...
hey u guys, what is taking so long time with apple? can't the update come out soon? you should email apple and tell em you have LOTS of fans waiting... either there is too many updates going on there or they are having too much fun testing the new update, hehe.
ReplyDeleteI think the pygmies should have more independent interaction. they should do more without me having to put my mighty finger on the screen... maybe work together to get the coconut down from the tree, or looking and exploring the tikistatue (that sill does nothing). that would be great:)
When is the new update going to be available? I am just curious. I really appreciate how dedicated you guys are to pleasing us and adding new content to the best app ever!!! People who critizise you for not getting an app out last week just have no lives and sit on their Iphone or I-touch all day.
ReplyDeleteOh man, oh man, there was a Thor I remember where the Easter island heads came up from under and fought him, it would be so cool if they just came up and stomped on the islanders. Well I think it'd be cool
ReplyDeleteDear bolt
ReplyDeleteIts very optomistic to think he was kiddin. Unfortunatly he probably means that because ... He works for... FLIGHT CONTROL!!!!!!!!
I really hope that pocket god comes out tomorrow:) Good job Bolt Creative!
ReplyDeletelmao i agree. Flight control has dispatched its cult members to destroy you!
ReplyDeleteBolt Creative,
ReplyDeleteI have read a lot of suggestions for PG. I like a lot of them and I am very excited for the double update!
But what I really came to say was, in your description of PG it is called a "micro-game."
Please keep it a micro-game. The customization of the island and islanders is cool but PLEASE do not make this a game.
In my opinion, if this MICRO-game starts to get features like scoring and points, it will loose all its true Pocket God character and become something else entirely.
Now dont get me wrong, and Interactive Buddy (for those who know THAT micro-game) would be a cool idea maybe.
Just please do not add time attacks and tasks and orders and win/lose situations.
And another suggestion may be like an achievements kind of thing, because that seems to be kind of popular and is ALWAYS fun. =)
Also, I am SO sorry for the ridiculously long post! It wont happen again! Lol
Noble Insanity (HUGE fan since update #2!)
sorry if i offended anyone i just thought the update shouldnt take so long and no i dont work for flight control i havnt even bought that yet.
ReplyDeletesorry if i offended anyone i just thought the update shouldnt take so long and no i dont work for flight control i havnt even bought that yet.
ReplyDeleteI agree, you guys should be praised! How many other developers update their apps as regular as you guys... No-one. You work so hard every week to get these updates out, and dont complain when there updates get rejected, through no fault of their own, but instead they release a double update!! And your updates are always class and at a very high quality. Congratulations on a brilliant app, and dont listen to idiots who dont realise when they got a good thing going.
ReplyDeletescrew you david the same thing that goes for ku goees for you. apple controls when the update is released not bolt so stop talking shit. at least they made the app. you are getting all worked up about not getting the update when you are lucky the is such a thing as pocket god. this goes to everyone. STOP TALKING CRAP!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBolt, you guys are awesome!!!!
everyone needs to stop attacking bolt. (you too david.)
ReplyDeleteif u want the updates so bad make ur own app thats even better than pocket god. (which u wont be able to do because if how you type represents how you work youll be making stick figures)
Hey i am a pocketgod fan since it came out. I think that bolt creative should make it so when you go to the menu of the game you should be able to chose for it to be a game like have achievments or to switch to just free play
ReplyDeleteman, I am almost loosing hope now... anyone know what the emailadress to contact the appstoredudes?? I wanna have a word with them and tell them I am sick of waiting, probably not the only one, they should lay down all of the other apps they have to accept for update, and start with the PG... really really really really really really really really really really really want it to come out tomorrow
ReplyDeleteSome things to do while waiting for PG:
ReplyDelete-look on reviews people have great ideas to listen to
-look at wallpapers ( many great ideas )
- Write reviews
-brainstorm your own reviews and ideas
hey andrew! if you flick them diagonal but not too fast, they will bump in an invisible wall (withch is located at both ends of the whole screen) and bounce before they hit the water....
ReplyDeletePG Rocks! :D
stll not out, maximum of 24 hours left (unless apple critisize the app.Again!) pocket god rules, its amazing for thinking of things to draw
ReplyDeleteok this is lame were is the freakin' update i am getting angry
ReplyDeletehello bolt creative where is the update I have been waiting patiently but this has gone on to long so WHERE IS THE UPDATE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!! :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo.... Update huh guys!! :D I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I'm new to the iphone and PG has been one of the first apps that I bought, and I can tell everyone is pretty pationate about PG too!! Great job fellas!!
ReplyDeleteSo with the weekly updates what day is the beginning of the update week?! I can't keep checking my app store icon for the red number one!!!
You obviously dont understand the situation bolt is failing us as customers they have not kept their update a week promise maybe this isn't apples fault maybe we are pointing the finger at the wrong person just pointing that out.
ReplyDeleteBy the way:
Hey guys this is David but not the David that hates you I think pocket god Is awesome but can we please have a date maybe please :{(
ReplyDeleteumm hi well i love pg and i check basically everysingle day for this update i knoewits been asked a billion times but hav u got a specific date from apple for release o yea and heres some ideas
ReplyDelete-islanders go insane on solar eclipse instead of just standing there
- bombs like if u plant one and then an islander pick it up and
an finally drum roll flooding like u hols down the water and it begins to rise thanmx i think these are some new ones and like soz for the long comment
hi i lluv PG and i was just wonderin if theres a spefic date of release from apple
ReplyDeletehere are some ideas i got
- dudes go insane when a solar eclipse happens
-bombs you can plant them in the ground and when they come to investigate
well thats alll cool ideas aye
sorry I had a moment.
And this isn't the David that hates you this Is a diffrent David :P
lol everyone here is really awesome and Bolt is amazing. at first i thought tht it was a whole group of people to make such a great game! but its just two and they are the coolest guys ever! dont ever even joke tht they arent kewl. Yu shame your grandma if yu insult Bolt. cant wait for the updates. no homo i love yu guys!
ReplyDeleteHey bolt. Can u plz tell us more about the ants, the fishes and what is the main part of say my name.here are a few ideas.
ReplyDeleteCan u plz have different worlds like ice world or underwater world
The tiki head could come to life and stomp on the islander.
You could have a saw icon at the top which let's u saw anything in have including the island and islanders
Really, can't you tell us when it will be realeased. I check everyday hoping that it will come out. but it doesn't :(
ReplyDeleteHey could you guys PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE either update this daily so we can know when the updates going to come out! I've been waiting for like 3 weeks for the update! I at least want to be informed that its still coming.
ReplyDeletewhen is the update gonna come out?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (btw its my bday tomorrow :D)
ReplyDeleteWhat does this new icon, the 2nd icon down in the settings drop down menu in the new update do?
ReplyDeleteThe update is out!!!!! Haha. Really good, but does anyone else find that it laggs a bit, and especially when trying to set a trail for the fire ants? Keep up the good work Bolt Creative!
ReplyDeletefinally the new version of pocket god came out today:)
ReplyDeleteBolt can u tell me if u think my idea is good