Hey guys! The latest update FINALLY came out. Thanks for being patient. The big problem with the anticipation, is the worry whether or not it will actually end up deserving it! You'll notice, that to keep the island from being too crowded- that fish, meteor and ants are a three way toggle. Turn on ants and you get a lens and anthill on the island to interact with. Turn on the fish, there is a fishing pole, but it turns off the anthill (or meteor). Another biggee is Feint. This is just our first step into using the system.
For everyone who doesn't know, Feint is a community system that you can access from the Pocket God menu as long as you have a WiFi connection. Read about it here.
The next update "Say My Name" is wrapped up as well. Ever want to get back at your little sister, a mean teacher or your annoying friend? In the next update you can! Dave explains it on Touch Arcade:
Also, here's some sneak shots:
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P.S. Contest winners announced tomorrow. I think there are a few straggling wallpapers I have to upload before we make our decision!
looks very cool cant wait for the update. i love the fishing and the ants. wait? has the new update been submitted yet?
ReplyDeleteWOHO!! finally! :D
ReplyDeletei have one question...
at the options, when you cant turn on and off sound and apply gravityshifting... what is the button that's between them two buttons??
Love the ants, and the fish:) what would be cool is that the ants could take the fish. And, as many already have suggested to cook the fish with the lightning or with the lens.
PG still rocks, and i love the naming idea, i WILL certanly call one of my pygmees for flight controll and do as much harm to him as possible.
Hey this is so cool im glad you updated it took long enough but im really happy about it and there is no regrets for waiting please keep updating weekely!
ReplyDeletefinaly the update came out. love burning the pygmies with the lens. hope we dont have to wait for ever for the next update ;)
ReplyDeletefinaly the update came out. love burning the pygmies with the lens. hope we dont have to wait for ever for the next update ;)
ReplyDeleteBolt u guys r fricken awesome I love the new update and I can't wait for the say my name update. For the new home does that mean a new island or a bigger island? What is return of the pigmy about? in the next update after return of the pigmy can u pls make it so u can have fishing, rock and ants at the same time. If the new home is a different island will it be a frozen island or maybe a levitating island that is futuristic. Pls respond and tell us more about the trilogy updates. By the way it is kind of like star wars. A new hope is like new home, empire strikes back is like trex strikes back and return of the Pygmy is like return of the Jedi. Did u guys do that on purpose? Sorry about all the questions. Go PG u guys rule
ReplyDeletehey dave in your dave report you were talking about the blocks for a pyramid but what did you mean by pocket god 2.0? are you all making a different app? just wanted some clarification thanks
ReplyDeleteThe update is awesome but once you release the "say my name" update i think it will be the perfect time to start making different genders and different islanders so if there was a girl you did not like the name would fit and make how many of a type of islander you have customizable so if you only want 1 girl and the rest boys you would be able to do that.
ReplyDeletei think you should have a leader board for coconuts bouncing on the pygmy's heads. like consecutive bounces, before it hits the ground...that would be a fun list to be the top of :)
ReplyDeleteHey Pocket God, has the new update(Say My Name) been submitted yet?
ReplyDeleteI love the new update, but there is some SERIOUS graphics lag on my Touch 2G. The new update has caused the game to skip frames while I play and it's really disappointing. PLEASE fix this soon.
ReplyDeleteI say that with mood,there should also be attitude,strength, religious,leader/follower,and here's what they make: attitudde is howthey generally feel to each other, if it's mean,,they get into fights a lot with the villagers, vice versa for nice. Strength is how they do in fights. Religious is how much they beleive in you you should also be used for things like liftin the meteor. So how was that?
ReplyDeletelove everythnig that has come from this app but have one slight problem. on the feint leaderboards y does your own name not show up and where can you find out how many gifts and sacrifices you've had?
ReplyDeletethe only place ive found is the "Near You" tab but that shows people near you but NOT you...
Hello, I think you should make it so that the shark can eat the fish if you dangle it over the water, you should also be able to feed fish directly to the islanders. You could also make the sharks choke and die if you put a coconut in there mouth. You should also add two or three sharks. Its a great game and I hope you keep updating it.
ReplyDeleteOMG!! Cant wait forthe trillogy updates, or update? Will they be released seperately or as one update? And, has the say my name update been submitted yet if it is finnished? And the screen shots look awesome!! I love the idea of the dinosore, but cant figure out what the other two updates involve :/. How do you find yourown stats on open feint, like sacrifices and gifts? I also found that my iphone lagged when i first loaded up the new update this morning, but it seems finenow, dont quite understand that. Anyways brilliant update and cant wait for the trillogy!! By the way, on the open feint where you have update ideas, you should be able to vote for your favourites, and then you guys should bring out tue mist popular first. Just some ideas!
ReplyDeleteAWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed my buut off at the ants eating the pygmi, and buning the pygmi!!
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or are you a bit dissappointed with the feint cuz it pulls people away from the game..Also there have been exchanges of emails where ppl live and ages...dont know if these people are truthful but idk just worried with what ppl are like these days also I will be happy with a new home because I think the island gets a bit crowded with 6 people a lense and a ant hill.
ReplyDeleteI know that the feint is cool (bit laggy but expected) but I think that will pull people away from the playing and closer to the messaging. I do think it adds time unlike at the start when it only was kinda worth 5 minutes but If the new updates have more game and more game time IT WOULD BE AWSOME. A lot I know sorry just wanted you to adress some issues I thought about
am I ever going to get the answer to what the wavy button in the settings is for?!?!?
ReplyDeleteHey guys..thanks for the feedback on functions especially Feint. We are still evaluating it and will take your thoughts in consideration! I had a project that kept me swamped all day. The wavy lines is vibrate for iPhone users. In case you are an ipod touch user, we used the vibrate for some of the features. When you create an earthquake, set off the volcano, generate lightning, the shark jaws snap. its too bad Ipod Touches don't have it because it definitely is nifty! But some people like to turn it off. Sorry I didn't answer earlier!
ReplyDeletehey bolt creative you all should like let us have a poll after the three future updates like give us three options and we vote which one we like and then you guys work on that one or something like that lol just throwing it out there
ReplyDeleteHow do you do sacrifices? PLEASE ANSWER!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought it would be cool of the islanders depend on food to survive(add this in the toolbar, to turn on and off), and there would be heat strokes and you (god) would store cocunuts in the tiki head(because the tree would like die and all the fish would leave) so the pygmies would beg for food, you give it to them, and you are praised!
i love the new update but i still don't see my background that i entered
ReplyDeletei love the new update but i still dont se my background i entered!
ReplyDeletei think there should be a reward for having the most sacrifices/gifts or for making the top 10 or something. it would make there more of a point to doing "sacrifices" and giving gifts
ReplyDeleteAnother idea: when you drag the islanders above the clouds in the sky, they should implode from a lack of air. :)
ReplyDeleteFinally out !
ReplyDeleteWow, I've been following all the PG news since I bought it (at the Jump The Shark update), and I always loved whatever you guys did. I mean that's a fantastic developping work you do, plus an amazing dev/user relationship you manage !
This update is quite nice, the slight problem with it is I think the magnifying glass just takes too much space on the screen. Really good though, and I can't wait for Say my Name, which looks just awesome !
Just a request for what comes after : don't make PG a real game with objectives, and stuff. It HAS to stay a microgame - with plenty of features certainly - but, still, a microgame. -> all the features are permanently available in the game. The other thing you should keep thinking about is the "God" aspect. Until now it always fitted this aspect, ad you should keep on with that.
Good luck for that, and thanks again for bringing us PG !
Ya, make a little Black & White for iPhone - I want a creature :D
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned that you were looking for something cool to do with the statue. Since there are beliefs that the statues were put there by aliens, you could have a UFO come and abduct an islander if you tap/rub/whatever the statue. Just a thought. I love your app/game. It has been my best purchase so far.
ReplyDeleteI think sacrifices and gifts are coming in say my name, but im not sure. Cant wait for the trillogy of updates, and the open feint system is SOOOOOO cool. Do you guys (Bolt creative) look at what we put for ideas??? Cuz we have had some really cool ones. Like with the aliens. They could jump on the islanders heads, like in the film aliens, and actually stay there and be like the mutans things on Half-life two, and they could infect the other islanders to become like them or just die, i dont mind either way. Another idea was an eagle, that will swoop down and take the islanders away. That would be cool. And what about an ice age! Will that be coming in the change the temperature update, along with rain, snow etc? And other sea creatures. A giant octapus would be good, and instead of it eating the islanders like the shark, it could just drag them in with its tentacles. But not only one islanders but multiple islanders at once, cos its got 8 tentacles. Just some ideas form some of the chats that i have been in that would be great additions to the Pocket God world. And by the way, i think all your ideas sound class, so you carry on with yours first because they are genuis!! Like the ant hill and the T-Rex which will be awesome. I would also like to see some nice things that you can do to the islanders, other than feeding them. Dont know if that is coming in the say my name update, but ive added it in anyways. Sorry for the very, very, long post and all the questions, and keep up the good work!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you guys!!
ReplyDeletePocket God made it to the All-time top paid apps chart for Apple's 1 billion apps countdown!!
there should be 1 pygmie in say my name, that you can designate as the god pygmie representing you. he could be completely invulnerable, but still fun. he could be struck by lighting, but then just shake it off, shoot him in volcanoe and it just spits him back out, he could grab on to the tree in a storm, he could swim back to the island if he gets knocked off, if the shark tries to eat him, the sharks teeth break, the fire ants he could squish, and the vampire he could pull out a cross, and attack the vampire. if you catch him on fire, he jumps into the water, and then swims back.
ReplyDeleteit would just be cool to have 1 pygmie represent you as the god. maybe the other pygmies could worship them as they please as some ai.
PG rocks! Ive been with it since jump the shark and it deserves to be #1(although its moving up again)
ReplyDeleteI thought that maybe the vampire Pygmy could either turn the other pygmys into a vampire or kill them (which could be toggled inbetween them in a submenu of the settings submenu) also wens the point system coming out?
Ive been an avid PG fan since the a storm is coming update! And do far all i have done is reccomend it to everyone and defend your honor from haters who just cant see the beauty of the PG world. Every week i await the updates, and btw when is the say my name update out, and has it been submitted yet?
ReplyDeletePS Pocket God should be the no 1 app of all time, and the top 25! A top class game!!
Bolt if u keep doing these updates than u would make it to number 1 in the history of apple. U guys deserve to be number one. Also can u put a video on the blog of the update because u said that u and others have tested it. Plz let us c a video of what the next update holds. Thanks bolt for the updates and I can't wait for the new home update.
ReplyDeleteCan someone tell me what the button between the audio on/off and the accelerometer is? It looks like three wavy lines with the "No" symbol over it, but I can't figure out what it does.
Henry, the wavy line symbol is to turn vibration on and off for the iPhone users :D
ReplyDeleteI agree with Diket that you should post videos of the updates that are coming out! That would be awesome!
it took its time but im glad the update is out, i think it worked well, haven't seen a bug yet, and i like the fact you can even adjust the fishing line while the little guy is trying to catch a fish! I think that "Say My Name" will be the point where Pocket God goes from "A fun little app" to "An app that will be gaining many more downloads as long as it keeps the updates up" as the general public can see for themselves that you are still maintaining the update a week, keep going guys, i hope "Say My Name" is out soon, and i hope it wont disappoint, congratulations on your recent success, and good luck for the future.
ReplyDeletelove pocket god, best game ever, #2 almost #1.
ReplyDeletei have some things to say about the clouds. i really hate dragging the clouds to stormy clouds because it it starts lagging and stuff, also when switching back to normal clouds the hurricane starts and blows my islanders off the island so i have to get more AGAIN. please fix it because it is way easier to just open the menu bar pressing the button. and when im making them dance the clouds stop but i want them to keep going. or trying turning the clouds off and on which would be cool thanks.
sorry for the long post
Nick has such a good idea! That would be so cool!
ReplyDeleteHey bolt I was thinking that for the trex update u could make the pygmys into a caveman type Pygmy that has clubs and in return of the Pygmy the Pygmys could be normal again. Plz tell us if u have submitted the update and also can u think about the video of what the next update holds. U guys rock. Keep up the great work. I think u guys should raise the price earlier so u can make bigger updates. U should raise the price after new home. If u do this write that the price will go up soon so people will buy.
ReplyDeleteBolt when do u think that the update will be out. Can u tell me if u think the video update thing is a good idea. I think nicks idea is good.
ReplyDeletehey bolt iwas wondering could u add create ur own island like add ur own accesories or make it be able to snow.
ReplyDeleteCan u plz do what nick said, that would be awesome.
I think for "Return of the Pygmy" some dead pygmys should come down from the clouds and start pushing everyone off the edge. that is just my thought. PG rocks
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering how you thought of Pocket God please reply back to me
ReplyDeleteHey bolt, was just commenting to ask u whether u will be updating the screenshots of the game in the app store, because they are quite dated and when im deciding whether to buy an app or not i always look at the screenshots and reviews. I was just thinking that if u could update them, or add more (dont know if there is a limit) it may attract more people. Just a thought cant wait for trillogy updates but i still cant figure out what return of the pygmy is about : /. Any ideas anyone?
ReplyDeletepocket god is a fantastic app/game
ReplyDeleteI have found a really funny bug if you already know about it then no worries.
when the pygmy catches the fish and it is on the land by it self and you make some wind and swirl around the fish in the air it might fall behind the island and if it does the fish will stay there until the pygmy catchs it again.
if you want anymore info you can email me at foxatphoenixlabs [@] gmail.com