Pack up your coconuts, everyone, 'cause we're moving! Well, more accurately, we've MOVED. We've had the new site up for a week, but we were so buried in the latest PG update, I didn't have the time to announce it. Everything was moved over a week ago, but I notice a ton of comments on this entry were made since..and they will probably not be brought over...my apologies.
The new site has all kinds of cool stuff. It's shocking really. You can see all our videos, icons, posters, descriptions of every update for PG and JTU. Plus the Pocket God Store has been revamped, has a bunch of T-Shirts and is ready for more products. Pepijn Gooiker worked his butt off the last few months to get it together, in addition to his project management, testing and video demo responsibilities. Thanks Pepijn!
There's lots of things coming up. Episode 43 is being released this week. Production on the next comics are in full swing. The Runs, the new game that was announced is in production. More products for the store should be coming soon as well! So from now on keep up with Pocket God news at BOLTCREATIVE.COM!