Monday, August 2, 2010

Get Pocket God in the Comic Shops! CONTEST CLOSED


Hey guys! The digital comic has been released, but now a print version is available for order to comic store owners. The print comics will have extra content and stories not found in the digital version! But we need to increase awareness, so we've come up with this promotion. If you participate, we'll give you a special code that unlocks a Jet Pack in Ooga Jump! Also, you'll get the chance to win a $1000 Apple gift certificate!

All it takes is a camera, a flyer, and a visit to your local comic book store! Here's what you do...
  • Print out this FLYER. If you don't have access to a printer, just draw your own version on paper.
  • Bring it and a camera to your local comic shop.
  • Take your picture holding the flyer somewhere in the shop where we can tell its a comic store. Near the comic racks, in the front, etc. they have the Pocket God promo poster up? Get that in the shot!
  • Leave the flyer with the cashier at the register. The flyer should say it all, but tell them you are fan of Pocket God!
  • While you are there, look for the Pocket God promotional poster. If it is up, the unlock code for the Ooga Jump jet pack is on it!
  • Send us your picture to this email....! Please include your name, the city and the name of the comic book shop. We will automatically send you the Jet Pack unlock code and enter you in a drawing to win a $1000 Apple Gift Certificate!
  • You may enter for every (different) comic book shop you submit! Don't know where a comic shop is near you? If you download the digital comic, a comic shop locator is included with the app!
  • Deadline for entries is Aug 30, 2010.



  1. I got the comic and was wandering if all the comic issues were going to be free updates like the game? Can someone answer my question? Thx.

  2. Please make the next skin pack for the trees and coconut :) and banana that I expect to be on the new island! ;D

    And if you want a decent idea to use in a future update, look in the comments on your last post for my rain dance idea if you haven't already seen it. I'm getting tired of posting it >.<

  3. I have an idea for the next update title. If its about flicking monkeys around then you should call it, "chimp slap a monkey" or "chimp slap the monkey". Like most of your update titles it refers to something funny, ("chimp slap" refers to "pimp slap") and yet, it still describes the update. Plz consider. Thx.

  4. What about the update it was supposed to come put at the same time as the comic.

  5. Just bought the comic on iTunes, couldn't stop laughing the entire time, Ape did such a great job! But isn't the next update supposed to come out today?

  6. 1 000$ for one people? It's so stupid idea! If you make, I don't know maybe 100$ for 10 people or 50$ for 20 people, more people would be happy! Believe me, it's a better choice ;)

  7. What if we don't have a comic store around us? Would it be okay to just go to a Walden's Books or Borders and do it?

  8. i cant ernter the compotishon because i live in the uk and therfore cant fing a comic store and dont have a zip code and i realy want the jet pack

  9. Hi, I Live in Mexico how can I get the Jetpack. I already Buy the digital Comic. I also can pay for it

  10. I sent a picture a day ago and never got an email back with the code. Please send the code to

  11. I have question for you. Dose this count book stores ?

  12. Okay I'm gonna enter, but how do we get the jetpack code?
    do we get it upon submission?
    or do we HAVE to find a poster?
    what if there isnt a poster?
    -a fan :D

  13. HELP I live in the UK and I am not sure if they have the poster

  14. For pete's sake, I'll give you a hint for the code. It's the title for the upcoming IPad spinoff.

  15. I live in Thailand and managed to get the code you just need to go out to your local book/comic shop do what it says and they send you the code you do not NEED to find the poster

  16. i live in san bernardino and i did everyone send a picture like three days ago and didn't get the code please send me a message that says the code.

  17. i live in san bernardino and i did everything that you guys said to do so i send the picture and you guys haven't send me a message about the code its been four days ago and no message.

  18. When's the next update for pg comic and pg game

  19. who won the 1000 dollars of the contest
