There is some sort of reverse Murphy's Law at work here, where I write a long post about updates being slowed down, and then Apple approves the next update quicker than expected!
So the line between life and death is a little fuzzier in the Pygmy graveyard. When a Pygmy is sacrificed, he becomes a Ghost Pygmy. You can guide the ghosts by tracking your finger from a ghost to a destination and they zip around. You can then help the Ghost Pygmy "cross over" by guiding him into "The Light"...Or keep the Ghost Pygmy in limbo and haunt the other Pygmies. Trace your finger form a ghost to (or through) a pygmy to haunt it in different ways. Try coming from the bottom, to or through the side and from above. There's an homage to the exorcist, and is heavily influenced by the ghosts in Ghost Busters. Hold your finger on a ghost to make it wail like a banshee.
The other part of this update is the first customization: the T-Rex Skin Pack! Now this is an extra where you can change the look of your T-Rex. This is our answer to the in-app purchasing without charging for updates. Hopefully it works well and will help the continuation of Pocket God's evolution! But we'll see.

UPDATE: There seems to be an issue with Ooga Jump causing the app to close. The people that have reported it on Twitter have successfully stopped the crashing by restarting their iPod/iPhone. Try that and let us know! Really sorry if you still can't get it to work, it will be fixed with the next update!
I'm going to download this now! and find out if there's a gold or yellow dinosour.
ReplyDeleteExcuse Me, but Ooga Jump doesn't work on Good Will Haunting!! Exept on Buddy Challenges!! Please Fix!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAllan I already bought a custom t-rex and I want to get another one is there a way were i can switch between 2 different styles without having to re buy the first one?
ReplyDeleteNevermind on my last comment i belize that when you buy it you get them all then you can customize it to anyone you want
ReplyDeleteWheneber i go to download this, it shows me the newest updates thumbnail icon (a flying ghost pygmy), but when i tap on it and go to the page where it talks about the app, it reverts back to the previous update.
ReplyDeleteHey wouldn't it be cool if when the spider sucked the pygmies dry, they look all shriveled, then the spider wraps them up in one of those web cocoon things and left there, dead in the web. Then, you can pluck their dead corpse out of the web and drop it in the Pygmy grave. Then it becomes a mummy! That would be a cool mixture of the things already on the island to get another classic monster! Tell me what you think!
ReplyDeleteawesome update allan and dave best update in the pocket god game!
ReplyDeleteOk ill go with it but please do promise me this. No matter how popular they are dont just focus on the customization! I dont think that should be the main focus of the updates. Also please stop with the halloween updates. Otherwise i want christmas easter and other holdiay updates. Thanks magman.
ReplyDeleteQuit Pocket God, re-sync it to your computer or restart it, then try :) Worked for me!
Amazing work Allan, this update along with the DLCs makes this update, in my opinion, tha best update so far!
Keep up the tremendous work!
-swigo8 of The Pygmy Den!
http://twitpic.com/kjkuu - Pocket God glitch on new update
ReplyDeletemagman...the horror theme will last only one more update.
ReplyDeleteskiraceking...once you buy the t-rex update. you can change the t-rex as much as you want using any of the skins (in other words, 99 cents gets you all the options at any time) so you SHOULD NOT have to buy anything twice....if that's now how it is not working for you, let us know!
For some reason I can't trigger the haunting from lifting the ghost up through the Pygmy. Nothing happens. Any help?
ReplyDeleteHow do you kill these darn ghosts? Is "the light" supposed to be the sun? I don't understand!
ReplyDeletePleez halp!
For some reason, the update is not showing up in the updates section of the app store for me. I know it is not just my ipod acting weird because the same thing is happening to my little sister. The update is showing up in the search section of the app store when I look up Pocket God though. Any ideas on why? I don't have the 3.0 update yet, but I don't know if that is it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, how do I get the t-rex skin pack?
ReplyDeleteooga jump isnt working for me at all just like pocketguy11 said. please fix this bug
ReplyDeleteive figured out what causes the ooga jump to stop working. if u sacrifice a pygmy on the graveyard island, then change the island to the original island and guide the ghost to the light, ooga jump stops working. if u guide it to the light on the graveyard, or on the t-rex island, the ooga jump still works, however.
ReplyDeleteOk as long as the horror theme wont last like a bunch of updates because it gets kinda reppettitive and boring. also you really need aliens!!!! And maybe an artic island wuth an eskimo skin pack for pygmues.
ReplyDeleteHey if i buy the pack from one of my ipods will i get it for free from my other ipods?
ReplyDeleteChristian : Very interesting question. Are In-App purchases in general kept when you remove an app then resync, or do that in another way ?
ReplyDeleteAllan & Dave : Nice update, although the horror trilogy isn't the most fascinating part to me. And, finally, the In-App purchase you provided is cool. It's not that expensive, it provides correct content, and doesn't affect anything in gameplay. Although I do not like the In-App purchase model, it is done in quite a good way here. Nice job !
The update is sweet. I thought u were going to make an afterworld place for the ghosts. O well. Btw the excersim thing is hilarious. I love the skin pack!!!!! Whoever said that u shouldn't focus on it is wrong. My fav is the dragon one with a top hat and a skull tattoo. Next in-app can u make it so we can custimize the bird, island, or tree. For the bird it could be type(dodo or teridactal) and a hat for the bird and a type of color. The island could be a plain new island that let's u make climte(stormy, snowy, and tropical) vegetation on the island(tropical trees and flowers or cactuses) and items( the egg from Dino island, the coconut from Pygmy island, the outhouse from Dino island.) and finally tree custimization. Type( tree with no leaves and icicles on it, tree with bright green leaves and tropical flowers at it's base. ) fruit on it( coconut, banana, or berries) and color of base and leaves( brown base with green leaves or red base with purple leaves.) sorry about all tthe stuff I said. Also make the next custimizable like the trex one. Make it have three categories. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Great update!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason the Pygmie ghosts won't go away even though the sun is high in the sky.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone else having this problem?
That is the BEST update yet! I love the possession!
ReplyDeleteif you use the same account on your ipods then you'll retain all your information when you sync it over to a new device.
ReplyDeleteSo I dont have a jb iPhone and I bought this app from the AppStore and I'm getting this error , " this is not a valid account in the sandbox enviroment" when I try to buy the in app Dino purchase. Anyone know what the problem is?
ReplyDeleteObviously the best updtae you've ever done! Great animations, and the skins pack is really cool! I'm wondering about the ghost animations; how do you determine if the ghost possesses you or screams at you? I can't tell if it's the direction you come in from, the direction the pygmy is facing, or both (or neither). What is it?
ReplyDeleteKyle, you know how when you tap the ghosts, a light appears in the upper left corner? Drag the ghost there :D
ReplyDeleteI've found 2 glitches with the ghosts so far ^^
ReplyDeleteTo get a ghost to stick horizontally to the left side of the screen, make it follow a path which leads to the far left of the screen, and then leads through the portal thingy. The ghost should get stuck
Also, when you kill a pygmy with ghost screeches, hold your fingers on more than one ghost at the same time, and keep them held after the pygmy vanishes. It'll pop back and then vanish again a certain number of times depending on how many ghosts you pressed.
To get the ghosts to go away u drag it into the little portal thingy in the top left of the screen that shows up when you are dragging the ghosts
ReplyDeleteI have an itunes accout and i bought pocket god but the app says "you must first buy the application that this is for before you can purchase this app"
why is it that you need to have version 3.0 on your ipod
ReplyDeleteGuys, seriously the best update yet. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteI am also wondering the same as Liam K.
How do you purposely possess and scream at a pygmy. Every time I try to possess one, it screams at it instead, and vice versa.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteUmm... Has this happened to anyone else?
ReplyDeleteI bought a DLC and made my T-Rex have the Dragon skin, but I went out of the app and went back in... the skin was gone.
Do I have to pay for it again? o.o
It's not letting me but the T-Rex skins :(
ReplyDeleteIt says that this is not a test user account or something. Help?
1.You can buy the Skin Pack in Pocket God, in the menu where you also can find feint and the challenges. There is a shop icon now
ReplyDelete2.Ok, it's probably for sure that you making a spider update. But will that be the last update for this theme?. Cause I think the creeps are missing. Pocket God is in Creeps, but Creeps are not in Pocket God. Doodle Jump is in both and has both, creeps too. You would be a perfect trio. How about making an game from Lima Sky, Supersquawk (sorry if it's wrong) and Bolt Creative. I vwould buy it
3.Could you write the name of the next update in this blog. Cause I live in NL and now the description is in Dutch and totally different...So now I can't read the new update names :(
Guys! I am sending a list of the issues to Dave to see if he has any insight. sorry if you bought the dlc but are having trouble. you shouldn't have to pay for anything twice (of course)...
ReplyDeleteAnd about 3.0. There is an earlier blog entry. Halfway through developing the DLC, we found out that it will only work on 3.0 iPhones and iPods. We sort of had to make a hard choice, but it is inevitible that everyone will have to go to 3.0 eventually (yes even first gen ipods!)....that's technology for you!
I love this update so much! BUT I was kind of hoping a zombies VS vampire thing, remember Disney channel did this awsome wizards vs vampires thing... so you have to also, (lol!)
ReplyDeleteand also, I can't wait for more in app perches! things like a blank page island and you use sacrefices to get new thing EX: 100 volcano=1 chair lol! idk though...
I still can't buy the Dino skins. It says I need a test user account and I should make one in the sandbox enviorment. I have jailbroken iPod touch, but I did pay for this app. Help?
ReplyDeleteI would love Christmas update! new island in north pole! and the only way to get there is doing something and Santa comes and picks you up yelling MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! and yea.. also a mini game to drop presents in houses... that would be really good for Christmas time!
ReplyDeletethe only reason u need 3.0 software is cuz of apple. it says iphone 3.0 but when u download ipod touch 3.0 u can get the game. also i f u dont know how to do something go to the help screen in the menu.
ReplyDeleteI found a glitch, I think. If you go to the dinosaur island, then light a fire, then burn the pygmies in the fire, go to the volcano island, and repeatedly and fast tap on the burnt pygmies, they will become normal pygmies, then you cannot burn them with the magnifying glass, then if you tap on them again they become burnt again. Just letting you know.
ReplyDeleteI went to try to do this again to make sure I typed it right and I couldn't do it again, but the pygmies for some reason do turn back to normal for a second when you tap on them while they're burnt.
I love this update so much! You should for the spider update(If you doing it) Make it The Creeps spider! Since Pygmies are in The Creeps, their spider could be!
ReplyDeletePocketPlayer64 said...
ReplyDeleteHey wouldn't it be cool if when the spider sucked the pygmies dry, they look all shriveled, then the spider wraps them up in one of those web cocoon things and left there, dead in the web. Then, you can pluck their dead corpse out of the web and drop it in the Pygmy grave. Then it becomes a mummy! That would be a cool mixture of the things already on the island to get another classic monster! Tell me what you think!
so i bought a skin pack and then quit the app then went bak and my skin pack wasnt there!!!!! my one dollar gone!!!! someone help!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you guys stated that the 99 cents I spent was to bring new updates to Pocket God why all of a sudden you guys decide to charge PG users to get certain enhancements ? Atleast go by what you guys have spoken about since January. I have been an avid fan since Episode 4 and now it makes me rethink the direction Pocket God is going.
ReplyDeletepuppy lover #1 u need the 3.0 update , that happend to me too
ReplyDeleteHelp two of my ghost will not go into the liight! The dnt move! What do I do?