Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pocket God Suggestion....Pirates!

Evil Spike on Deviant Art posted this Pocket God suggestion. It is really well thought out and definitely food for thought! Thanks Evil Spike!

Pirates In Pocket God by ~evilspike on deviantART


  1. You should still add the heaven/hell update even though pocket devil came out.

  2. seems a tad bit too easy, maybe the porta potty turns into a cannon that you load them into, and it's one hit sinkage, but you gotta time it right and more and more ships come by as you sink them, also the ones you miss fire back, so u gotta have like a gun crew and you need to keep replenishing them

  3. Love the idea! Would love to see that on PG! And also werewolves and full moon! :D you have ghosts, vampires and zombies. You need werewolves now!

  4. Have you guys ever heard of the game called Pocket Devil? It is a PG Spin off. What are you guys going to do about it? Anything? I am going to buy it just so I can tell you guys the difference. Do you think I shouldn't buy it? Please reply BC.

  5. better idea you try to get the pygmies to hit the ship if they hit it it loses health but if it misses or you flick to hard the ship gets more health because the pygmie is now part of the crew

  6. u guys should do ghosts vs. zombies vs. vampires. and also tornados!!

  7. Hey Bolt Creative, are you guys going to make the music and sound effects from Pocket God available as an album to sell/buy from iTunes?

    I'll keep asking until it becomes reality ;-)

  8. I think you guys have done a great job with the game. Keep doing what you're doing, but when you reach episode 30 or 31, I think you should start focusing on furture updates (such as laser beams, better weapons, a futuristic map, robots maybe, etc.) An episode name could be "into the furture." This just an idea, so you don't have to do this.

  9. hey bc i bought that game pocket devil just to see if thay had any chance off beating you they are only on episode one and you guys are way better keep up the good work from the pocketgod spy

  10. Ok so here's the deal. Pocket Devil is Definitely inspired by pocket god.... the concept is exactly the same.... you guys should definitely take advantage of this... in a good way. Help eyedip out. lend them your help and wisdom. I see much potential and from the looks of it they are also intergrating the epsiode idea. Like i was saying though it needs work...there are many glitches that i found in the first play through... please though work with them.... i believe that if you help them not only will they have a potentially better game but there is no doubt that you and pocket devil will rise to the top of the best apps (again).

  11. Hey just quickly for the guys at bolt creative...What software do you use because I'm into animation loads and I created this like 2 minute animation on flash fx 2004. You guys really just prove what awesome games you can make ....Please reply!

  12. The pocket god pirates is good suggestion by Evil Spike.It is interesting artwork to see.


  13. what about aliens!?!?!?

  14. Pirates would be awesome! They could come on the island, and the pygmies could fight the pirates with spears, and the pirates would fight with swords! Good idea; Keep up the good work.

  15. You could make them domesticate some animals.
    And sometimes if you don't treat them well they'll eat the pygimies.

  16. Hey guys, me again. I think that you guys should make an option where you can listen to your own music OR the pocket god soundtrack. That would be cool to see in an update.

  17. there should be an update where you can costomize the pygmies, give them clothes and face make-up and props and change the color of there body's and there hair.

  18. Maybe you could put in some snakes or monkeys that can eat or throw the pygmies that would be cool.

    Aso if you get high enough on an ooga jump than you could see God or hang out in space!
