Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another AWESOME PG Suggestion from Rndmpro

Rndmpro (Ben) created this awesome suggestion. What do you think people? Thanks, Ben!

P.S. On a slightly personal note, I (allan) have been highly side-tracked with a medical/family issue which is starting to resolve itself and will try to pay more attention to the blog. On the apple front, we HEAR that its going to start getting better so we are hopeful that the updates will start going through faster. And furthermore, as a technical note, 3.0 is giving Dave a big headache because it has issues. Everyone gasp with shock.


  1. It's a shame... PG is at #12 now. :(

    But I am glad to hear that the updates might be coming faster now! Keep up the good work!

  2. I think that would be a pretty cool idea. Maybe something to do for Doodle jump since you guys let them have a pygmie in their game. Idk, it sounds o-k.

    And about the approval system getting better, I hope so! This is crazy how long we are waiting! Because well it's something you can't wait to get updated!! :)

  3. I Dont really get what's supposed to be happening. Other than the doodle jump guy blasting the pygmy. P.S. Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the good work!

  4. Looking at this video it does seem like a decent idea, maybe work on it a little bit more. And with the updating o please hurry up Apple, i really want to play with fire and can't wait.


  5. Big Shark

    Doodle Jump add will be really cool! please add it!!!! And I want to know how are you going with the secret project? When do you think it will be realesed?

  6. they could also have somthing to do with creeps

  7. I don't know about the doodle jump character but there should be a new cloud island with new dangers and gifts. Maybe a giant dragon coming and eating them or other things like that

  8. Yeah, basically it's just an idea for another micro-game (similar to the coconut-bounce one). But if you jumped on the clouds long enough, then Doodler would appear! Then it's up to Bolt Creative to figure out the rest!

    As for the faster update thing, I sure hope that's true! Infact, I heard there was a Doodle Jump update that was submitted a couple weeks ago. Of course, it still hasn't been approved!


    Nice suggestion and it makes sense seeing how they had a pygmie in doodle jump.
    Everyday i get on my ipod and look for the update, only to be disappointed. How long does it take to say: I like the update, lets release it?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm sorry you guys are getting all those negative comments because of the slow approval process that you cannot control. I truly hope that apple gets it's game togeher and speeds things up like it said it would.

  12. Did you forget to submit the update by mistake?

  13. Cool idea! I think you should add that and stuff from the creeps!

  14. I know this kid!! Good job Ben!!!
    Also, Apple really needs to make their app approval system faster.

  15. Hey i think you should makeban insect swarm were you move your finger to control it and they bite pygmies and eat fish! Also you could add a creature for the t rex to battle! Finally you should add a sky island and shrine! One of the most creative games i've played! The only :( downside is the update time... Dont quit yur jobs!!!!!!! U rock!!!!

  16. The idea seems like it would only be fun for the people that have the other jumping game. Good thinking though. :)

  17. Hey Bolt Creative,
    Love the game! Im sorry some people are to ignorant to look on the blog and realize its not your fault for the delay.. Any way looking forward to the next update (as usual) And i have found one glitch. If you have the emoticon (Ejoi) App installed and you try to use one in a pygmies name the game crashes. Hope this helps!

  18. i don't really like the idea of the holding over the cloud it would be kool if you could throw him on the cloud and he bounces, and if you hit him up 5 or so clouds, then he doodle jump guy pops up, and SHOOTS HIM

  19. make one so that if you name the pygmie michael jackson when you tap the screen and the pygmies dance, he does the moonwalk and a spin or something.

  20. Josh said...
    I don't know about the doodle jump character but there should be a new cloud island with new dangers and gifts. Maybe a giant dragon coming and eating them or other things like that
    I like that idea! That would be neat, as the water world stunk. It'd be cool if it were replaced with water city...

  21. no offense but this is a dumb idea

  22. I think it's an ok idea. I still like the idea of the cow (an older post) better. But lovin the updates! Keep up the awesome work!
