When it comes to the App Store I guess it pays to expect the unexpected. Turns out the 4-week approval time we were warned about didn't happen!
The Dave's state of the island linked in the last post went over the newest functionality so I won't go into a huge amount of detail here. But just in case you didn't know, the newest update has a new wintery location, the ice island. There, we will create several winter-based scenarios. The first major piece is the ice monster battle. All you need to do to kick it off is to flick a pygmy at the iceberg in the background. This game revamps the flicking function quite a bit and now you must figure out how to flick the pygmies in a controlled manner, and then beat the monster in as few flicks as possible. But watch out for falling snow balls!

There's a new structure for the pygmies to hang out in and it is the igloo. If a fish is dropped inside, a pygmy will enter (or you can just drop one in) and the pygmy will cook the fish inside. Only one pygmy can fit in at a time, but you can use it to your advantage in the battle as well! Try dropping a pygmy in when another pygmy is cooking a fish.

You'll also notice we've added a location map! Why? Well, there were a few reasons...but we think its a great way for you to get your bearings in the growing world. Also we were going to run out of room in the menu eventually anyway.

Finally, there's a new optional Christmas Pack for purchase. This will allow you to decorate the islands and change different things in the Pocket God world to a cheerful holiday version! The outhouse becomes the gingerbread outhouse...the dodo a toy bird, and the sand island statue, a nutcracker!
So, as usual, the update might take a while to show up on the app store, but it should be available tonight! Thanks for waiting everyone!