When it comes to the App Store I guess it pays to expect the unexpected. Turns out the 4-week approval time we were warned about didn't happen!
The Dave's state of the island linked in the last post went over the newest functionality so I won't go into a huge amount of detail here. But just in case you didn't know, the newest update has a new wintery location, the ice island. There, we will create several winter-based scenarios. The first major piece is the ice monster battle. All you need to do to kick it off is to flick a pygmy at the iceberg in the background. This game revamps the flicking function quite a bit and now you must figure out how to flick the pygmies in a controlled manner, and then beat the monster in as few flicks as possible. But watch out for falling snow balls!

There's a new structure for the pygmies to hang out in and it is the igloo. If a fish is dropped inside, a pygmy will enter (or you can just drop one in) and the pygmy will cook the fish inside. Only one pygmy can fit in at a time, but you can use it to your advantage in the battle as well! Try dropping a pygmy in when another pygmy is cooking a fish.

You'll also notice we've added a location map! Why? Well, there were a few reasons...but we think its a great way for you to get your bearings in the growing world. Also we were going to run out of room in the menu eventually anyway.

Finally, there's a new optional Christmas Pack for purchase. This will allow you to decorate the islands and change different things in the Pocket God world to a cheerful holiday version! The outhouse becomes the gingerbread outhouse...the dodo a toy bird, and the sand island statue, a nutcracker!
So, as usual, the update might take a while to show up on the app store, but it should be available tonight! Thanks for waiting everyone!
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite update of all!!!!! this really stunned me when I started to play it. Awesome. So what is the part two of this tirolgy about?
ReplyDeleteIt's been up on the App Store for a while now. HaHa.
ReplyDeleteI CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!! Right now I'm doing my math homework. :( But soon I'll be having plenty of fun in the new and wonderous ice island!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!! I can't wait to buy the new dlc pack. :D
ReplyDeleteGreat job again guys.
PS:When will that little red dot in the sky come into play? I hear there are little green men in flying saucers living on it.
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ReplyDeleteAWESOMEEEEE!!!!!!!!! ima go update now
ReplyDeleteand isn't it funny how this just came out and people are already asking about the next one? hahaha
Hey I love the new update and I have a feeling that the pygmy flicking may have come from my Octopus battle idea, but even if its not it still feels like getting exactly what I wanted for Christmas. Plus there are TWO new boulders!!! (The frozen pygmy ice ball is my favorite, but I think it should be transparent when put in front of the sun and other objects :)
ReplyDeleteBUT I do have a few of things to report. 1 is a suggestion, and 2 are glitches. The idea is that the igloo should be transparent when a pygmy is inside it, because I feel kinda left out not knowing what's going on in there...
Anyways, the glitches have to do with the custom packs. The toy bird shows some of the neck of the regular dodo (your picture of it above has it actually), but it only does it on occassions. The other thing is that the fish did an interesting flash of changes when I tried to cook it. It went from Gummy fish to Regular fish to Cooked fish.
I hope you can get these things fixed in the next update, but I understand that there will always be more problems as time goes on.
P.S. If you don't mind, can you dig up that Octopus idea I sent you a while back and give it another look? If you don't have it anymore I would happily resend it to Alan's email. I think it would be great if you could add it to the Sand Island, since it is the only one without a monster. Also, can you make it so you can have more than just one item at a time on the Sand island??? I know you guys could do that easily!!!
SWEET! this is awesome! No like need to rush you, but does this mean your gonna work extra hard to like, get another update in before the years out? THAT"D BE SO SICK! But, i suggest you guys take the month off. And think about pocketgod, and its successors! Side projects :D haha :D
Anyone else having trouble getting the dudes to dance in this release? Mine will only do 1 shake and then stop, even with continues tapping.
ReplyDeletejustin...just checking. i just made this mistake but is the dancing icon turned off by chance? otherwise, we aren't having that issue.
ReplyDeleteBolt, if you are reading this, I have an idea. How about for an update you can zoom out on the island so it would show the island AND underwater. And maybe if they didn't have scuba gear on, (another idea) they would drown. Please reply bolt. I'm a huge fan.
ReplyDeleteThanx for this fantastic post.I am huge fan of all the pocket stuff.Usually when i am on the go i put my favorite tv shows into my i pod to keep my self up to date.
ReplyDeleteOk this is really odd and I assume a glitch.
ReplyDeleteI was fooling around with the Custom Skin Pack store and looking through the options but I didn't buy anything because I don't have the coin for it yet.
Well, I got the Nutcracker Statue, Santa's Workshop, the Underwater Ice Statue, Present and the Gummie Fish all without paying for them.
I assume that this is a glitch but I will be paying for the pack and not using them until I do.
Hey bolt I was Wondering If you are making PG for the wii Because that would be really awesome You guys would probably get alot of money Like Big Cash and a lot of fans would get it like the first day it comes out so you should totally make it
ReplyDeleteHey Bolt Creative i found a bug:
ReplyDeleteif you open the map and select the underwater and ten quickly tap the map again (before pygmees appear) it shows me the unfolded map, background of the underwather world and on the foreground an image of all the pygmee actions, bucket, anchor,...
I the admin of a site ipromocode.ru (in day on 5600 persons) suggest you to hold competition at me on a site. Please give me 2 promocodes for review or 7 promocodes for competition for Pocket God It will be good PR a course. Please answer to email admin@ipromocode.ru
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!! WOW!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is fast even if it wasn't before Christmas!
Now I'm expecting the 2nd part of the trilogy to be awesome. Just kidding. Take your time, enjoy the holidays, but don't fall behind on the blog, pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssseeeeee.
Thanks so much the update; it's awesome. See ya.
Ethan...thanks. its sort of secret, but we ARE possibly partnering with a company about making a DS version, but so far our talks with companies that can produce a WII version haven't panned out. But it does seem like a no-brainer!
ReplyDeleteOh sorry for saying that about the video game secret
ReplyDeleteHey bolt I found a bug in the app it seems that when you battle the ice monster and defeat it the achevement doesn't regester on flicker and on the god profile
ReplyDeletea ds version? that would be awesome, but how would you update it? you should make a episodic wiiware game! =)
ReplyDeletejust thought i'd throw that out there...
btw, i just got your slinky ink app....do you think you'll ever update it? or will you move onto bigger and better apps? lol
this update is the best yet i think.
ReplyDeletemy full review is here :)
Im mad. I cant buy the skin packs because of some issue with not having a sandbox account? I want to buy the packs! Please fix this!
ReplyDeleteDear bolt craetive I have a good idea: on the other side of the graveyard island. A desert island and there is a dune and when you tap the dune 3 times the dune will fall ontoo of the pygmys and there can be a cactus and when you pick up a Pygmy and drop it on top of the cactus it will fall down and will hop around and then it will fall down and then will dissapear and there could be a bush and when you fick a Pygmy on top of the bush a snake comes out and he bites a Pygmy and that Pygmy turns blue and dies over and then th snake slithers around until he has bitten all the pygmys and also there could be a little oasis on the right side of the screen and it works the same way as the ocean except there is no shark but there is an alligator and one more thing when your pygmy is idle for more than a Pygmy it will die of thirst please add this feature in an upcoming update it would be awesome thank you for taking the time to read this.
ReplyDeleteBolt, update rocks, best yet in my opinion. I got the ice monster dead in 15 pigmys! haha it took my like 45 min though. Also i noticed that the loading screen at the begining now has the "r" in the circle at the top right above "GOD" was that made just because pee-devil copied? it is a cool reminder that people who try to copy pocket god suck! Also, i think appme's idea is pretty cool. then you could do stuff underwater WHILE fighting the ice monster. Like rotate the iPod to portrait mode (i thought about the earthquake thing, but its like the sharks with laser beams and the piranahs, one or the other little tab thingy at the top menu) Then there could be an octopus' head above water and you flick a pigmy at it but somtimes you have to make a whirlpool to tangle its legs that are underwater to distract it. So there is the octopus' head above water with 2 tencicles, and the other 6 underwater. Then to fight it, while above water you flick pigmys at it and it blocks them with the 2 tenticles. Then the octopus uses the 2 tenticles to reach forward and grab pigmys and eat them, while the octopus is grabing the pigmy, throw the spear at it and it gets injured and puts that tenticle down underwater. Then you do a whirlpool and it tangles the other tenticles so then you have a clear shot at the head. (and remember, this battle is while the iPod is where the long side is pointing up.... or not... you can choose :P ) Let me know what you think of this idea and if you find any loopholes i will fix them.
ReplyDeleteOh my god thank u I needed new pocket god it was like medicine to my stressed out brain!
ReplyDeleteNo offense, but screw wii. Really, the only people that play wii are really young or can't get ps3 or xbox360. I think you guys should stay with the iPhone but if u want to make a videogame, make it not just for wii an DS make it for ps3 and xbox360 for those of us(like me who have ps3. Btw luv the update. A few suggestions though.
ReplyDelete1. The iceberg is really f-ing hard to hit. I've only faught the monster once
2. Please change the DLC. I liked it better when u had slot of options for 1 thing.
3. Can u add some wolves to all the islands. U could make it so on each island they r different( ice island is arctic wolf, Dino island is prehistoric wolf, underwater is sea wolf, zombie island is zombie wolf, and normal island is normal wolf). The wolves can do 3 things 1. They can play with the pygmys(fetch with coconut)2. They can help pygmys beat trex, spider, or ice monster 3. Can attack pygmies and eat them. The player can choose what they do.
4. Add something to the trees on the ice and Dino islands. Sugar plums for the pine tree on the ice island and bannanas on the Dino tree.
Sorry about the long comment. Pleese add my wolf idea and if u like it respond. Also have u guys thought about making ur sequel like Bailout Wars. U should.