Dr. Macenstein (is that medical or PhD?) contacted me and wanted to know about the Pocket God icon art! Usually people only want to talk to DAVE about his CODING. Dave, Dave, Dave! I mean, can't anyone code an app that knows what to do when you go fishing in a hurricane and then get hit by a Tsunami while lava is raining down from a volcano? But I digress.
Anyway, he asked me (Allan) a bunch of questions and then put together this awesome review of the icons to date, plus the one I'm working on right now! I also started blah-blah-blah-ing about our system for creating the art assets.
>> Read the article here! <<
Go and leave a comment! I've noticed a bunch of "I downloaded it and I am not impressed" comments, so help us round that out.
when is the next pg update coming out
ReplyDeleteI played my part wrote my comment in hopes of changing the minds of the ppl who don't like Pocket God(It's by the name of shikamaru, which is fake by the way)And also, is the update coming out soon, because I'm dying a little every minute I can't get my hands on it!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease answer wryan14!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you're fixing this but it was extremely hard for me to launch the pygmies into the volcano, every time I tried I would make a tsunami, so if you could will you make it so you can turn the wave on and off?
I know what the new project is from Bolt Creative is!!! email me at enickcnln@yahoo.com if you want to know.
ReplyDeleteHey guys. the next update should be out very soon but as usual we don't know. it was submitted last Tuesday. We've also just finished the update after, which we will submit after Fun 'N Games is approved.
ReplyDeleteBigV! thanks a bunch!
The rocker! Yes, we fixed it in the upcoming update. The big change will be that in order to move the sky and water, you have to use two fingers. Now the clouds will be stationary when you generate a hurricane
Enickcnin, hmmmmmmmm.....we've told almost nobody (unless Dave has without my knowledge)....we're being secretive for a few reasons...we are excited about the new idea and think its original in the iphone store, but if we tell people, someone might try to beat us to the punch. Also, it creates curiosity..everyone loves a secret!
Hmm... never knew about the eclipse... awesome :)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to more awesome updates!
wat i think all those people who write bad reviews is that they know its an awesome game and they just want to bring it down.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview Allan, keep up the great work mate.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to "After the Trilogy we'll be raising the price from 99 cents to 1.99"?
ReplyDeleteJust curious. =D
Congratulations on becoming 4th in the Canadian store.
i think they should add more stuff underwater
ReplyDeletehow long till teh next update
ReplyDeletefor those who write bad reviews: YOU KNOW YOU LOVE POCKET GOD! (but you dont want to admit it...) i know you want to keep it a secret but i REALLY want to know wats de project! Im not gonna believe ANY othr resources! I wont tell any1- i swear over my dead pygmie! x.x and if the othr project is a big hit, just dont forget about PG... keep de legend alive!
ReplyDeleteguys this is just a general question, and I could be wrong, but the episode "you always hurt the one you lava"... Well i am just darn sure that it was named something else. I remember seeing it in the pocket god app store page ages ages ago, and then you guys changed it. But what was the name of the episode before you guys changed it? I could be wrong...
ReplyDeletethat was the article i was waiting to read for.....allan you are justttt AWESOMEEE!!!MAN YOU HAVE TALENT!!!!!i wnat to be someone like you!
ReplyDeleteNice job, Allan! Your art is amazing, and I only WISH I could animate like you! The app wouldn't be the same without you!
ReplyDeleteNice! Yeah allan, your artwork rocks! Pocket god would not be very good without your share of the work! You guys make an awesome team. Nice review, I left a comment about how much I like pocket god. Keep up the good work guys!
ReplyDeleteHmmm, Help! My App's On Fire! sounds cool. I know I love Pocket God!
ReplyDeletePS I sent you som fan art as sean@Wilberding.com post it please
One glitch - when you flick the pygmy into the volcano, but trigger the tsunami at the same time, the pygmy is far in the background, but still alive. Great app though! Keep up the good work with the updates!
ReplyDeletei wish they had mini games that would be much better and more fun
ReplyDeletebut i still loooooove pocket god :)
justwondering wont eventually have to stop updates as u can only have certain no. of people buy before everyone has it
ReplyDeletei know random huh well tahts me :)
i have just been playing pg it isso brilliant on my ipod at the moment should be in bed who cars its 1am in england now! :0 soo tired right now but pg keeps me living just to find out wat teh nxt update is lol
ReplyDeletego on hadget buster.co.uk
ReplyDeleteFire update is gonna be GREAT!!! :D
ReplyDeleteWhat happened with the actualization???
I think you should make larger the time updates.. because Apple is taking more than that, so you guys have to make larger updates. I think you should make a big actualization for the next episode adding some things foor the ocean part. Ideas:
-The Shark can be there
-Spear underwater to eat fishes
-A giant squid
Some more could be:
-Gender: boys and girls
-Different pygmies color (white and brown)
-A general map at the first with some little islands(5 or 6) and when you touch one it zooms and then you get to the original place when you start
-A start menu where you could do different things and that will make faster the charging of PG.
thank you for hearing me bye
I've only just realised when you tap the statue's gem repeatedly! brilliant :P.
ReplyDeleteHey!!!!!!! Anonymous took my alien idea!!!!!! :( I am sad. So, anyway, I am excited to get the next update. I examined the leader board (I can get on it again because I found out that I was just putting my password in wrong. Oops!!!)and I found out a few things that you can do in the new update. Make a bonfire, cook caught fish, burn the pygmies in the bonfire, roast marshmallows,(I wonder where you guys got that idea? Duh the marshmallow song.)(I was saying duh to myself), and having them choke on food, (either a fish, coconut, or the marshmallow, I don't know) But I don't get what the 'Drop Kids Off at Pool' thing is about. If you guys have the time to explain, please do. I also figured out that this update is going to come out after this cleanup update that you said was submitted on Tuesday. I have a few thoughts about staying away from Anonymous's ideas. (except for the alien one of course. Although he/she could have stolen the idea from me.) One, the gender idea might bring some sexism into Pocket God. Two, the Pygmy skin color idea might introduce racism to Pocket God. Finally, three, there are already animals in Pocket God. For example, the baby T-rex, the mother T-rex, and (obviously) soon to be the giant octopus/squid. Now, I want it to be known that I am not pouncing on Anonymous personally or from a business perspective. I just want to make sure that nothing harmful to the social aspects of the Pocket God App owners comes into play. Not only would it be bad for publicity, but it could also shut Pocket God down. And you know what that would mean. No more Pocket God updates, no more fun fan art, no more submitting fun ideas to the great gods of Pocket God, and no more knowing you like Pocket God!!!!!!!! I am just looking out for the better good, and the future of Pocket God. I hope Pocket God never has to end. :)
ReplyDeletePS: I have a sequence laid out for my alien idea.
1. You tap on a really bright star in the distant night sky twice to call in the alien ship.
2. The alien ship comes down and chooses a pygmy to shoot a green beam down at.
3. The pygmy either looks really freaked out, or stays asleep.
4. There is a flash of light and a zapping sound coming from the alien ship.
5. The pygmy is beamed back down either with his head upside-down, an extra arm, or; I don't know, you guys could think of something better.
6. The alien ship flies off into the night sky while the pygmy goes crazy or something.
I think it is pretty good, but I want your opinions. Please let me know what you think. And YES, that means you Pocket God lovers out there too. :)
Puppy Lover, great idea. You could call that update A Vister From Above or something.PG ROCKS!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePuppy lover you took my idea!
ReplyDeleteI had that idea ever since the vampire update.